I think I may have found a new OB to get a second opinion from about my VBAC. My SIL is a nursery NICU nurse at the hospital I'll deliver at and she suggested some names of OB's she trusts. She did bring up a good point though. It may not matter if the second OB is taking new patients if they don't take patients as far along as I am.
I'm 28, soon to be 29 weeks along. What is the latest you can switch OBs?
Re: What's the latest you can switch OB's?
We can't really tell you if any of those doctors have a limit on how far along you can be to switch, and what that limit would be. You will have to call them and find out.
I think it's kind of weird that so many doctors won't take new OB patients after a certain week of gestation. Because if you showed up at the hospital in labor, they would be legally obligated to provide you with medical care anyway. Is it a litigation thing?
I called back and reiterated to them that I am 28 weeks pregnant and wanted a consult with the OB for a recommendation on VBAC. They don't take patients at my gestation since I'm so far along. But the secretary did say that I could just send over my file for review anyway. No thanks.
You can switch your OB at delivery if you can find one to take you.
When I tried to find a new provider (28 weeks) it wasn't a problem as long as I had all of my prenatal records.
I met with a VBAC dr for consult at 28 weeks, and am officially switching over at 34 weeks.
Good luck!
I switched doctors at 36 weeks last time. We moved so I had to, and it was all set up in advance and they knew the situation, but it was fine. If no doctors took women past a certain point in pregnancy I would have had a serious problem!
I would just suggest calling around.