3rd Trimester

Anyone else on modified bedrest?

I was put on modified bedrest this morning.  Because the spotting has not stopped, the bad cramps, and the pelvic pain.  I was told that I can still work, since I sit at a desk all day.  Though my planned trip to Houston for work was now out of the question.  At home I have to rest, relax, and pretty much stay seated.  My OB did check to see if I am dilated, which I am not.  And did this swab test that she said would determine if the protein that is released signifying labor was on its way was being released.  I was told I would get those results in a couple of days.  Chelsea is fine, and her heart beat was perfect this morning.  And I will be having yet another sonogram in two weeks.  I hope that I am not put on full blown bedrest, and have had a little talk with her stating that at the very least she has to stay put and behave for at least another 6 and a half weeks.  But, is anyone else on modified bedrest?  
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Re: Anyone else on modified bedrest?

  • I had some PTL symptoms at 32 weeks and that test you're talking about (FFN) came back positive so I was on modified bedrest from 32-36 weeks. I was not able to work, but able to shower, use the bathroom, and do laundry. It was rough for me to up and leave work (I'm a teacher) but I was able to stop things from progressing. I'm now 36 weeks, 1 cm dilated 90% effaced, and baby is at 0 station. Dr has declared I won't make it to my due date of January 30th. I hope she's right! I'm hoping to hold out until Saturday for 37 weeks. 

  • I am! I have been on modified bedrest since Nov 16th for a shortened cervix, being dilated, and contractions no matter what I do. Feel free to message me if you want. I'm not allowed to work basically just sit around, and let LO cook. As of Thursday I will be 34 weeks and if I go into labor my OB said they wouldn't stop it. I'm hoping I can make it to at least 36 weeks we will see.Good luck! 
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  • I was at around 30 weeks due to spotting. I was put on med leave b/c I worked on my feet all day so as long as I didn't over do it physically I just used my own discretion and did what felt right for my body. I have spotted throughout this pg but everything continues to check out fine. Just relax as best you can and good luck to you. 
  • I have been on modified bedrest since I was 12 weeks pregnant. Its due to the stress on my back. They arent sure that my lumbar fusion took, which I had in May. They cant check it until after the baby is here. Then in October my BP started going up and down so they added even more things that Im not allowed to do to the list. The whole month of November, I was on strict bedrest but they went back to modified in December.

    Anyways...I havent been able to work the whole time. No stress. No lifting or picking up stuff. Its been pretty boring!

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  • I've been on modfied bedrest since 29w due to a shortening/funneling cervix.  I was able to continue working (I'm a teacher), but I had to sit all day long and leave early in the afternoons.  I then had to agree to spend all the rest of my time on my couch/in my bed - no cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, etc.  I've made it to 35w!  My official maternity leave began yesterday.
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  • I am trying not to stress about it, because I know at the end of the day it will do me nor Chelsea any good.  I feel bad for H, because it means that I am now even more limited to what I can do at home.  And I tend to be very independent, so this is of course not easy.  Good luck to all of you!  And I hope that everyone has healthy babies!
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  • I was placed on modified bedrest yesterday for polyhydramnios. I was still allowed to work, because I am currently behind a desk 90% of my work day.
  • I was placed on modified bedrest at 34 weeks (I am now 35) after being on FULL bedrest for 14 weeks. So from 20-34 I couldn't do much of anything :(

    My FFN was positive at 28 weeks.. And Since 26 weeks I was on medications up until last week. The next time I go into labor, this little miss will make her entrance. We have stopped her in the hospital 6 times due to placental abruption, and we will no longer be stopping her from coming at this point. We are praying we make it until at least 37 weeks!

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