Since we arent having a shower & we already have everything we need for boy #2.. i feel as if im a little bored.
The swing and bouncer are setup, the crib is ready, changing table is ready, clothes are in the drawers.. the carseat is ready, diaper bag is packed and the only thing really left to do is pack the hospital bag... but i pretty much still have 9 weeks for that.
I kind of feel like im just twiddling my thumbs when it comes to having this baby.. I mean, im staying occupied with my toddler thats for sure.. but when it comes to this pregnancy, i feel like there is no nesting or things to do.
Am i alone in this?
Re: Any other 2nd time moms bored?
Well, I wouldn't say i'm bored. I am also not having a shower, although I do have some shopping to do because I gave a whole bunch of stuff to my brother about 2 months before finding out I was pregnant.
I would say I'm a total slacker. I haven't even cleaned out the room that we're going to use as a nursery. I haven't bought or ordered a dresser. Haven't even decided if we're going to use the same bedding or buy something new. Haven't really discussed names except once. This poor child is totally getting the shaft.
And yet for some reason I'm not really worried at all.
whew! That would definitely be a wakeup call!
I am not bored. lol. I am getting a sprinkle since this one is a boy so I am looking forward to seeing my family again. I have been so busy at work training the girl that is replacing me. We got our house fully painted, replaced all of our floors and the countertops are next. We have been very, very busy. lol. Oh and I still haven't put his crib together or his room. I need to get even busier.
gah!! I need some house remodeling to keep my busy!
Um, yes. You ARE alone. I haven't even painted the nursery or put together the crib let alone sort through clothes and put together a swing.
Anytime you'd like to come over and work on all the crap I've been putting off, you are more than welcome. lol.
The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11
Hey LB
This is my first but we have most of the major stuff and the shower is mostly just to collect some of the more minor things and see if anyone will buy us the travel system on our registry. Other than that I feel like I'm twiddling my thumbs waiting for LO and for me to be able to quit working. I wish I could stop now but I know I would end up mostly just sitting around at home not doing much so there is no point, especially since we could use what income I bring in until the end.
I wouldn't say I'm bored....but I don't really have much to do. We are also having boy #2. His room is finished (paint, bedding, decorations) but I started right when we found out it was a boy. We'd been trying for #2 for almost a year, so I knew exactly what I wanted already. We've pulled out the bassinet, swing, bouncers and washed what I could on them. All of the newborn clothes are ready to go, but we will need to buy more clothes for him because they're going to be born in opposite seasons.
All I really have left to do is clean and install the carseat, pack our bags, sterilize pumps, paci's and bottles.
I'm not bored, but I haven't done much and I don't have much to do. We just moved DS to his big boy room, so the nursery's already all set up. I can't think of anything we need right off the bat, except some diapers. I need to wash some clothes, install the carseat, pull some baby gear out of the basement, and register at the hospital and that's it.
It's kind of weird. I feel like I should be either doing more or stressing out about not having it done.
I am with you, kinda. I am completely NOT ready. Well, I feel like we aren't but we are I guess. We have a bassinet, diapers, clothes, bottles, carseat, etc. all the stuff we need asap. However, the only thing that is accessible are the clothes, bassinet, diapers, and carseat- but the base is not installed.
The crib is in pieces in the garage, the dresser is empty, and his room is filled with storage containers.
I am having a shower, and am very grateful, but honestly, I would rather just get together with my good friends and have lunch.
I am very excited to have this baby, but I can't get myself in the excited mindset. Last time I was anxious and curious, this time i feel like i know what to expect so I am just waiting till the fun begins.
Im with you on this one. I got the car seat all ready today. All i have left to do is pack my hospital bag, set up the pack n play and clean the swing.
I havent cleaned any of her clothes yet either, but I will probably just do that as I go along.
I just realized, though, that I need to sterilize my pump parts and bottles. LOVE adding things to my checklist...sad I know.
The nursery is complete and we have all of the clothes, diapers and supplies we need but I am so busy with working full-time, going to school full-time and taking care of my toddler that I am crazy busy. I am trying to finish my school program before LO arrives but time is running out and I still have so much to do! Time needs to slow down!