So my BIL does not live by us so he sent us out christmas presents. So I just got this box in the mail and I open it. There are 3 things in it and a note, 2 for dh one for me. So dh got a pair of boxers and a nice sweat wicking tshirt, and gues what I got, I got a book, a book about Chuck Norris! WTF. I have never said I like him or anything. Why would you get this for me?
The note said enjoy the book, lots of funny stuff. Really you couldn't ask your mom or brother what I would like?
After I read the note I about started to cry. Blame it on being pg.
Anyone else get some crap like that?
Re: About cried
I get a bath set from someone in DH's family every year for Christmas. The cabinet in my guest bathroom is full of them.
My MIL gets me a calendar and oven mits every year. I have been married for 9 years, I think I have enough oven mits. They aren't even good ones... i still get burned a little. I use them for pot holders on the table.
Before we got married, she would buy me refridgerator magnets from the dollar store. They had flowers and stuff on them... so not for an 18 year old!
If I knew why I cried sometimes I'm be happy. I think it's just being pg that almost made me cry. I was just disapointed, I just wished he didn't wasate his money on that. He could of got me a giftcard for the $10 that he spent on that book. Yes he is single (has a gf) but most of the he asks his mom or my dh what I would like. If I was not pg I probably would of laughed, but like I said i think it was a pg moment.
Wraps the book back up. Hands it to Hyfagal. Here's your induction present!
I didn't even know that you could still buy belly shirts! Was this a goodwill purchase?
I have really dry skin and each year I get a ton of scented lotions and bath soaps. I have had eczema since the 4th grade, it's time you catch on family. My mom also is a quantity over quality type of lady. If I ask for something that costs $40 she will ignore my request and will buy me 40 things from the dollar store instead. Let's just say my house is a garage sale hot spot in the summer
i am the same as the PP! my mom gives us the most useless crap! after a while, you get used to it. but now i'm trying to teach my girls to be gracious and thankful for the thought!
i agree though, you should TOTALLY give it back to him next year!!!
I would probably be a little entertained by that book...the ultimate wtf present...two years ago my grandma gave me some grape jelly. It wasn't homemade or anything. It was our local storebrand grape jelly.
Granted, I enjoy grapejelly on toast....but it's not like I REALLY have a thing for it.
But I guess it's the thought that counts...even if the thought kinda sucked!
I shouldn't laugh at this but.... LMBO!! My co-worked received 3 bottles of Joy dish detergent and 2 cans of comet for Christmas from her grandmother. She said it's obvious that her grandmother thinks she has a nasty house. LOL!
Apparently they're making a comeback. I guess it's... inspirational? Should I wear this to work?
I bet everyone wants to see my old bellybutton ring scar that's been stretched into oblivion.
I can sympathize... I get dumb gifts from DHs family all the time. My favorite this year was from (big surprise!) MIL... it was a wallet that was black and brown leather. I thought to myself "this looks like its from the 80s!" and upon later inspection I found a receipt from Sears inside it that she must have missed that was circa 1995. Yea, that's right... she regifted her OWN USED WALLET.
on the flip side... that book is an awesome find.
Just remember: Everyone tries to be perfect.... but perfection tries to be Chuck Norris.