Keep in mind dd1 was always a planned c/s (breech) so I never went through any of this stuff : )
This baby is head down and I've been tons of pressure the last day or so. I asked my OB about it today and asked if that meant maybe she dropped, since I don't know what that feels like he checked me and said I was "open". Before I could ask what that meant he went on to tell me her head was right there, blah blah etc etc. So I forgot to ask what "open" meant. Can anybody tell me what he means? It's not of huge importance since I'm having another c/s. I'm more or less just curious.
Thanks and I'm feelin' kinda stupid for asking this : /
Re: *sigh* I have a really stupid question....
dilated I assume.
I hate when the doctor talks so fast and then I leave scratching my head thinking "wait...what??"