
Antagonist Protocol Without BCP's

Hi All,

I'll be starting IVF #2 at the end of the month using the Antagonist Protocol without BCP's. Has anyone done this cycle and if so, how did it work for you? I'm excited and hopeful that this cycle will work!

Re: Antagonist Protocol Without BCP's

  • I am in the 2ww of an antagonist protocol with no BCPs. Instead, a few days before my expected start of the cycle, I took one cetrotide shot to help suppress me. My protocol is a little different though since I also took Clomid in addition to Follistim and microdose hCG.
  • HERE are my details, my last IVF was EP+antagonist and I transferred one blast, one morula and had a c/p. No BCP.

    I respond nicely, but have egg quality issues.

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  • It goes fast....I love that :)  I got pg 2 times out of 3. I had losses both times but I am AMA and there were chromosomal issues. Lupron tends to cause fragmentation in my embryos whenever I have used it and that did not happen with the antagonist protocol. Best of luck to you!
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  • Thank you ladies!
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