What's the difference between a MP and Bloody Show? I read that typically labor starts within 24 hours from a bloody show but how can you tell a difference between the two?
I think I lost my MP last nigth and possibly also had my bloody show followed by inconsistant cramping and contractions. I waited it out because I had a scheduled appointment with my midwife this morning at 7am. After telling her all of the events that went on last night she just smiled and decided to do an internal. She wouldn't tell me how far dilated or effaced I was because she doesn't think it tells us much but she did say that I was at zero station. This is also the first time she didn't ask me to make another appointment.
I fell like I'm really reading too far into this but I'm really excited to meet our little one!
Re: Difference between MP and Bloody Show?
When I lost my MP I had my bloody show shortly there after and then I went right into labor... but I don't think that always happens.
Sending labor vibes your way!
I'd say it definitely sounds like you are on your way to having a baby soon.
I lost my MP over the course of a few days before going into labor, but never had a bloody show. I mean I guess I did at some point, while IN labor, but I never saw any blood prior to my water breaking while I was at the hospital.
All the things you said + what your midwife said/did leads me to believe you'll probably be having the baby soon. But I think it's weird she didn't schedule your next appointment just in case. What if you don't have your baby, are you supposed to call back in a few days and schedule it? Weird.
For me, my MP is a ball of snot like material. I have already lost it at 32 weeks.
For me, bloody show is what happened right before my water broke. My doctor stripped my membranes with dd and bloody show came about 24 hours later and then my water broke about 12 hours later.
They are two different "events" but can occur weeks apart or at the same time.
MP is typically just mucous, it can be a bit pink-y but usually looks like a big glob of snot.
Bloody show is much more 'fresh' like a pp said, it's usually very bright pink/red and much more blood than mucous. Like the start of your period sort of thing.
I had bloody show with both kids about 12 hours before I delivered.
Ok, be prepared for TMI but this is actually really helpful so far! I had pieces in the toilet and brownish red blood. When I wiped it was very clear and thick with pink in it. It's slowed down a little bit but I feel really crampy and have since 1am this morning.
My midwife is hilarious and seemed excited after our appointment. I made an appointment for next Wednesday in case I was just overly excited and reading too much into things.
For me I woke up at about 6 in the morning and went to the rest room and lost my MP it looked like snot with a little tint of blood.. That after noon i had BH that by 5 that after noon turned into full flesh contractions!
Good luck!! Hope your baby comes soon!