Stay at Home Moms


my dd is 10 weeks old, she slept through the night the last few nights (yay!) in her crib, but does not nap in her crib.  she'll sleep on me, in her bouncy seat and in her swing, but the second i put her down in her crib during the day, she starts to cry.  (even though she'll sleep there fine at night).

 anyone else experience this?  at this point, i kind of figure let her sleep where she sleeps, but her naps are so not scheduled and i never know how long she'll be asleep for.  any tips would be great.  :)

Re: naps

  • DD did the same thing.  I just let her sleep in the swing or while holding her.  As long as she's sleeping in her crib at night, I wouldn't worry about it.  The phase passed quickly for me.  I miss holding my snuggly little sleeping baby.  DD never had a very predictable napping pattern until she was closer to a year even though she started going to bed and waking up at the same times when she was a few months old.
    DD: 04/09 TTC#2 since 10/09 Dx: PCOS w/IR M/c #1: 07/10 M/c #2: 09/10 M/c #3: 03/11
  • Ditto PP, I think this is a pretty common phase.

    Big E (6) & Little E (2.5)
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  • I nursed DD to sleep and was able to just lay her down in her PNP bassinet. We swaddled her too which I think helped. DD was not a fan of the bouncy chair and didn't like sleeping in her swing.  GL, I hope you find something that works for the both of you!
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  • Im still fighting it... I blame it on myself because I went back to work at 9 weeks and before that I never wanted to put him down so I held him... then on the weekends I did the same thing and DC had the hardest time but I didnt care because I wanted to snuggle... now that im a SAHM I still love to snuggle and now I think I created a monster. The second I try and lay him in his crib or PNP he wakes up.. I get maybe 15-20 min on a rare occasion but most the time I get nothing. The second I pick him back up and snuggle he is back asleep. 

    It hurts because I dont get the time to do some things I could be doing but I do get snuggle time and im sure he will start fighting it someday! Im trying hard to break it but continuing to try and put him down but he sleeps 11-12 hours a night in his crib so I guess it could be worse.  

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • My 10 week old is the same way.  She just started sleeping in crib at night but not yet during the day except for a 15 minute stint today.  I'm sure it will change.  We also do not have a nap schedule.  Some days she sleeps almost all day and then other days it's just 10-20 minute naps here and there.  I guess it will change eventually.  I do not want to mandate a schedule yet.  I'm a SAHM for now, so not really a problem.  Good luck!
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