3rd Trimester

Maternity Leave Vent

I had every intention of working from home for much of my maternity leave.  Partiallly so I could continue to be paid and partially because I HATE the way my accounts are handled when I am gone.  I have had customers taken from me when I have been on short vacations, and other things like that. 

Well, this morning, my HR manager told me that it is going to be too expensive for them to set-up my home computer to tie into our work network.  So, now I cannot work from home.  She also explained that my "mind is going to be so messed up after the baby is born, you aren't even going to want to think about work".  And, I was thinking, "YOU'RE THE ONE THAT GAVE ME THE IDEA TO WORK FROM HOME!!!"

So, now I am going to have to use my 3 weeks vacation and sick pay in order to get paid when I am gone.  DH works here too, and is going to talk to them about giving me his vacation also, but I hate that we have to do that.  We could easily go without my pay for a while, but we would have to put off buying a few things that we already put off last year (new roof for our house, pool liner etc...)

So, now I don't know what to do.  UGH... stupid stupid stupid.

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Re: Maternity Leave Vent

  • I am soooo sorry! In all actuality, it shouldn't be expensive at all to set up an access point where you can just remotely access your work computer from your home computer. That seems like a load of crap. I also plan on working from home during my maternity leave and was told as long as my work is done I will be paid. I think your boss should reconsider.

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  • Are they making you use your vacation time, or are you using it by choice because you will need the income/$ to get baby stuff you still need? If they are "making you" use your vacation time, you should look into that. It varies by state but I know in CA they cannot make you use it, it is by choice.
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  • That really sucks, I'm sorry! I wonder how they were planning on connecting you to the network? I've been using LogMeIn.com, which allows me to access my work computer and the network as long as the computer at work is turned on. It's not perfect since I have to copy files over to my hard drive in order to work on them, but it's been easy to adapt. It allows me to still get paid anyway! And it's not too expensive, my subscription is $65 for a year (company paid). Maybe look into something like this and present it to HR? Good luck!
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  • It is too bad that they are letting you know that now when things are getting closer for you, but honestly, I could not have imagined doing much work from home those first few weeks with DS. I checked my work email twice a week and could barely manage that. A lot of people need to use vaca/sick time to have a paid maternity leave (that's what I did with DS and what I will do this time around). With DS, I took some unpaid time and used some paid time so I still got a paycheck every other week (albeit a bit smaller than normal) and went back part time at 6 weeks before going back fully at 12 weeks.

    Also, if you are on FMLA after your LO is born, I don't believe you are technically supposed to be doing much work, and HR might be worried about that as well.

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  • It does really suck that they are only just now telling you this.  If I had planned to work from home and was told at the last minute I wasn't able to, I would have flipped.  On the plus side, at least you have things like vacation and sick time so that you can still get paid.  Both my and my husband's companies are so small the FMLA does not apply (must have 50 or more employees in our state).  He at least has 2 weeks of vacation he can use.  I have nothing - no vacation, no sick time, no short term disability.  I just completely lose my income for as long as I am gone, and I might even lose my health insurance too which is the only employee benefit we get.  I was supposed to work part-time for the next two weeks, but developed a cold last week and the midwife has asked me not to return to work, so there goes that last little bit of income.  Though, barring the next two weeks, I had planned and expected this - it will be hard but again, if I had planned differently and they were changing it on me last minute like for you I'd be in a panic.
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