Is there a connection between the 2?
I thought I had been having BH only to end up needing to use the restroom and then them subsiding. I don't know if this is normal or if what I thought were BH aren't.
New Years Eve we were just playing card games at a friends house and I started "contracting" so badly that I was almost in tears. I had a very painful and hard time getting out of a chair just to get in the car. Once we got home I downed some water, had a BM, and got in the bath and they seemed to calm down. I started questioning whether or not I was actually having contractions or not.
Help please...
Re: BH or upset stomach?
It can be tricky to differentiate at times, I know. I don't have any real advice because this was the first time I dealt with this issue, but I figured I could at least share my 'TMI Moment.'