3rd Trimester


I am planning on pumping and storing the breast milk in the fridge and ice box....How do you serve the milk after it has been in the fridge? do you serve it cold?

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  • I just took a breastfeeding class through the hospital I will be delivering at and the instructor said to place the stored milk, whether refrigerated or frozen in a glass of hot tap water to warm it.  You can not microwave breastmilk because it breaks down some of the vitamins in it.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • When I warmed it up, I would use a glass of hot water.  I did give it to DD cold so that I wouldn't have to worry about heating it up in a pinch.  www.kellymom.com is an awesome resource!
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  • I just ran it under warm tap for a min or two, luckily dd didn't really care if it was warm or not. And ditto the PP kellymom.com is an awesome resource, I used it a lot with dd.
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