I mentioned to H this morning that I felt like my belly hasn't gotten any bigger in the last few weeks. My weight is stable and my tummy is just nice and round out there but not overly huge. I like it.
He replied "Umm yeah it has, majorly" with this totally firm voice and a look like, are you crazy? I think he must have thought he upset me because when I said "what do you mean by that" he wouldn't answer me.
Do you measure your tummy yourself at all? They only do my fundal height at the OB but that doesn't seem to tell me how big around I am. I am curious and may bust out the tape measure today. I know that my ta-ta's have officially moved to a 38 DD!! From a 34 B. And my milk isn't even here yet. Scary.
Re: How much is your belly growing?
I am measuring small in fundal height, but I?m all belly ? I?ve gained almost 50 pounds but it is only noticeable from the front and side (so I?ve been told). However, compared to many bump pictures I see of women around 34 weeks I feel tiny!
Do you measure your tummy yourself at all? No, because 1) it would be totally inaccurate; 2) my inaccuracy would cause me to freak out even more!
I've had lots of times of thinking "is the baby growing?" And then, a week or two later feel like a hyge growth spurt has happened. Obviously, if you are really concerned, talk to your doctor, but I am sure everything is fine.