I'm so sick of people talking bad about c sections. I had one in 08 and I loved it far away family can plan around it. they say ita so bad sooo much pain wrong. I went in at 5am on halloween she was here at 8:59 I went in got settled got the spinal winch was just a little pinch, and little after that they took me back and did there thing and she was here. I went to my room and an hr after surgery I was walking with my mom helping me along. They give you pain m3dicine but I didn't use it unless I abosuletly couldn't handle it. I went home 2 days later and I could do almost everything it healed nicely and you still get to bond to your baby your not losing out on anything. It was great. She was breech but this ones not but I'm still having a c section. Its not about preserving your parts its just convient and takes the worry and unpreditability out of it so your mans not unreachable or your go into labor and your alone and in so much pain you can't drive ur self to the hospital. Its a comfort knowing when and where and it usally doesn't even take that long form the time you get there till shell be there but my doc had another patient come in for emergency surgery. I barely have a mark where I was cut. Recover was short and sweet just this time I can't pick up my 2 yr old when I come home i was my full self again 2 weeks later with no pain unless I did something I really shouldn't have I'm very hard headed and like to to things on my own without help I don't want to feel helpless.o and I choose the earliest time possiable that day because I knew I would have time for us to bond with baby before I was bum barded with family and friends I knew they wouldn't be up at 6 in the morning. And if you want a specfic date ask or have a few in mind. They gave me 2 dates I I got to choose form them hoping this time I will have jan. 31st so all 3 of my girls will have a 31st bday day just diff months. But they say to put a pillow across your abodmen and cough don't do that it hurts like a hell it makes things worse they says it to regain muscle strength but I did and I didn't do that ***. So if you want a c section please go right ahead you'll be glad you did.
Re: for all those with ppl scaring them away from a c section....(long)
Okkkkkkkk... that is a lot of info with no punctuation or spell check....
That is great you had a good experience. Not everyone does.
To each their own.....
I actually agree with this and I had a great c/section experience. Every women is different AND every women has the right to give birth to their child however they like. Med free home birth or c/section so you don't ruin your lady bits, I could honestly care less.
I had a great c-sec experience as well. Although I'm not sure how you were "walking around" an hour later if you had a spinal. Mine paralyzed me for 12 hours. My section was planned which is a big reason why my recovery was so short and not bad at all. However I am under the immpression that when you have to deal with a long painful labor on top of a c-sec your recovery is much much harder.
This time around I will be trying for a Vbac b/c it is what my Ob's recommend. If your OB truthfully tells you all the risks of Vbac vs. Rcsec you may be inclined to agree.
Patiently waiting for little brother!
All of this. Please use a spell check or read over what you wrote before posting, this post was hard to understand.
Not everyone has a fabulous c-section experience, just like not everyone has the same vaginal delivery experience. Some women get through it med free with no complications, and others are in pain for 36 hours.
I think that all women are wise to listen to what their bodies and their doctors are telling them, and base the decisions they make about birth on those factors.
I had a 3 day induction ending in a vaginal delivery and I didn't ruin my lady bits at all.
glad to know you have a profound foothold in obstetrics! u r so much smahter than all them fancy studies and doctors.
:runs to schedule easy peasy, super awesome c/s:
Oh FFS. At least you've figured out how to post in somewhere other then the subject line. Can we work on paragraph breaks and some spell check. Reading that was super painful.
I find it asinine that you think because it's "convenient" people should have a unnecessary SURGERY. Everyone is different, the fact that you had an easy recovery is lucky for you, not everyone will not have that easy of a time. I'd rather go for a vaginal delivery and not know when, then have my abdomen cut into just so I can mark the day on a calendar.
ALL of this!! My eyes and head hurt from that long sentence!!! Bum barded is not a word. Good luck on your next c/s, hopefully your recovery is just as smooth.
This picture is full of awesome. Good job Baz.
Once again, posting the same thing board to board really isn't helping your cause...
I am glad OPs experience went so well. Mine didn't.
I dont want to scare anyone, so I will just say that I wound up having a 'natural' cesarean section and it was hell, and i am still not over it.I will also say that anyone who takes medical advice from someone who posts on a message board without the benefit of paragraphs, or actual recognized English might deserve what they get. Just saying.What is a natural C Section?
What is a natural C Section?
I'm pretty sure her epi/spinal did not take or work effectively.
SIMPLY AND WELL PUT. A scheduled c-sec is totally different than an emergency c-sec after trying a vag delivery for hours and having complications because of it. TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!
Me too. My lady bits are fine. Vaginal is the natural way of having a baby, c-sections are for high risk and emergency medical needs?.I would never choose to have a c-section...