I had ds at 35 weeks, so forgive all the future questions that may seem dumb from a second timer. I just don't know!
The last 3 days I have pretty much constant contractions. They wake me out of my sleep, naps, standing up, laying down...whatever. I am drinking a ton of water and of course, just laying around.
Is it just normal getting your body ready for labor type thing?
Re: do you get more contractions the further along you get?
By lilenatalem at 2012-01-28
I find that the farther I get, the more often they come.
And for some reason, mine start later in the evening. I am not dong much during the day. I am not working now so I am just doing the usual taking care of the kids and stuff. I have even cut back on running and errands. So I don't think it is the amount of activity that increases my contractions.
I have an appointment on Tuesday and I am going to have a chat with her about it!
Ugh. I guess so. I rarely had even BH contractions with my boys and when I started having regular contractions, they were for real. I've had contractions off and on the entire third trimester with this one -- a couple weeks ago, they were for four hours straight. I've had them no less than 10 minutes apart and as close as on top of each other since Thursday. It's lovely. I had no idea I could have regular contractions for DAYS...and from what I've been reading, even WEEKS.
So, I don't know if it's "normal," but you're not alone.