
Have you seen this FB page: "Ask a Birthmother"?

When we first started our FB adoption page, a birthmother was starting her own page for PAPs to ask questions from the birhparent point of view. It's very interesting, especially if you have questions that you'd like honest answers for.

I think she'd like to have more "likes" - so go ahead and like it!:


Re: Have you seen this FB page: "Ask a Birthmother"?

  • Just read through the whole thing and it's awesome. What a strong woman. She's just a few months post placement and I was amazed.

    Love it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Moved to Domestic Adoption 9/09 Matched 10/09 Sweet little Luke was born 12/9/09!
  • imagefredalina:
    That's a really nice page!  i was very sad to see that she was already called "judgmental" for posting her personal experiences and opinions of what she would have looked for in PAP's. 

    I know, the PAPs reaction just illustrated the birthmom's point, unfortunately. 

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  • Thanks for posting this.  It is really helpful to have this insight.
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