3rd Trimester

repost: natural birth after csection.

Has anyone had this or currently going through the process to achieve this? And does anyone know of any good book on this, I am trying to learn more. I am really interested in having a natural labor the second time around. I had a difficult birth the first time, and I strongly believe it was due to a stream of unnecessary interventions. thanks :)  -repost from the natural childbirth board, wasnt certain where to post this. 
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Re: repost: natural birth after csection.

  • There is also a VBAC board that I'm sure is a wealth of information:




  • The first thing is why did you have a c/s in the first place?
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  • image*BlackSheep*:
    The first thing is why did you have a c/s in the first place?

    I was overdue, but only 41 weeks exactly. Dr wanted to induce, I dont think the baby was ready, so when they started Pitocin, the baby turned during my labor transverse, and his heartbeat dropped, so I went for a c-section.  

    bon app
  • imageambrandau2:

    There is also a VBAC board that I'm sure is a wealth of information:




    thank you :)

    i didnt even see it there on the side, lol 

    bon app
  • There's a good chapter on VBACs in the _Thinking Woman's Guide to Childbirth_
  • In my town, there are classes (one at a hospital and one at a yoga studio) offered every few months on VBAC. I'd recommend asking your doctor for any guidance on local resources. We are also going for a VBAC and I'm feeling fortunate to have a SUPER supportive doctor.
    Drew Isaiah: hypertension, induction, labor, emergency c/s. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Owen Anders: labor (natural onset), failed VBAC, emergency c/s. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I wish you the best of luck! I have had a c/s and a vbac and would not change anything. I was very nerves about the labor process since with my 1st i did not make it anywhere and was induced. and with my 2nd i was still induced but had 100% success. 

    the vbac board is wonderful to get more information from, just be careful of what you read on the internet if you search for more info sometimes people only give the bad side of things. 

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