and pretty fed up with everything when you go to BRU to use 764 coupons and the completion coupon and get all excited to see the receipt and how much you saved, only to find out when you get home that THE ENTIRE RECEIPT DIDN'T PRINT AND IT MAKES YOU CRY. lol It's one of my life little pleasures to see how much I saved and I actually cried because I couldn't see it. *sigh*. Two weeks cannot come fast enough ; )
Re: You know your getting towards the end of your pregnancy
I'm this way too! Kohls prints the same thing on the bottom and so does Target and I always have to look. I'll even call my mom and say guess what I just got and how much I saved on it lol. It's my addiction.
Sorry it made you sad. Hang in there two weeks is nothing. It will fly by.
m/c 12/25/09 (5w5d) mm/c D&C 4/9/10 (11w1d) Take home baby 2/22/11
My boobies belong to cour10e
What!? There is a show about couponing?? Good lordy....
This is not the same thing! These people are INSANE. It would be like you stocking up on 10 years worth of newborn diapers just b/c you can. Some of these people could have fed a small nation with what was in their garage. Nuts.