3rd Trimester

To Dreft or not to Dreft?

When I compare the ingredients in the Tide HE soap I currently use and Dreft HE soap there is very little differece in the ingredients that leads me to believe that Dreft would be any better for my LO's clothing or skin. What makes it so special? or worth spending extra money on? 

Anyone still around to give me some input?

BabyFruit Ticker
Married 1/20/07
DD Born: 2/18/11
LO #2 EDD: 10/16/15

Re: To Dreft or not to Dreft?

  • I have never used it. Its way over priced and there is nothing special about it. Matter of fact, it's got tons of perfumes in it. I don't know how it can be good for babies. There are much cheaper alternatives like Arm and Hammer Free and Clear, All Free and Clear.

    I'm not sure why its so special. I never used it, neither have my friends.

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  • Dreft has lots of perfume, so right there is a reason not to use it. DS has very sensitive skin and All Free and Clear is all I've ever used on his clothes, it's always worked great and never caused a reaction.
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  • Nope, it has perfumes in it and we just do detergents w/o dyes and perfumes, doesn't matter on the brand for our household.  I actually think it's less baby-friendly than some regular stuff b/c of the scent.
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageAshfieldMay:
    Dreft has lots of perfume, so right there is a reason not to use it. DS has very sensitive skin and All Free and Clear is all I've ever used on his clothes, it's always worked great and never caused a reaction.

    I noticed this too. I took a sniff of it at the store today and was almost overwhelmed by the smell. My Tide "original" scent is much more mild in my opinion.

    Wanna hear something funny? MIL helps take care of my SILs baby and insists on Dreft for all her clothes. However, she raised her 4 children back in the day on a ranch in Mexico with very limited resources or conveniences, you used what you had and all her kids were okay... Funny how she has forgotten that you dont need much of the stuff out there marketed to make mothers think they MUST have or buy special products to care for their babies. Makes me laugh a little.

    BabyFruit Ticker
    Married 1/20/07
    DD Born: 2/18/11
    LO #2 EDD: 10/16/15
  • I actually bought dreft only because I had a coupons for $5 off! I don't plan on buying it again though. I think it stinks. I actually wish I would have just gotten ALL- clear and free or something else. I thought I was crazy about the scent thing. When my neice was a baby I helped my sister a lot with laundry and she used dreft and I had headaches all the time. I didnt think it was from the laundry soap though! I didnt figure it out until I was out of our regular soap so I used Dreft on our clothes. I put a shirt on fresh from the dryer and I had a headache all stinkin day! Luckily the baby clothes were washed last month so they have had some time to air out. I have a full container or dreft too...I am going to use for emergencies only. If it gives me headaches it has to do the same for poor LO!
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  • imageVazquezGal:

    What makes it so special? or worth spending extra money on? 

    Nothing whatsoever.

    ~Mom to an amazing Jan 2011 boy~
    ~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~

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  • I think Dreft is garbage - I use free and clear detergent on all of our clothes.
    DS - June 2009
    DD - February 2011
  • I use a generic brand of "baby detergent" that is hypoallergenic and free of dyes and perfumes.  It costs less than half of what Dreft or All cost and it's always worked for DD, who has very sensitive skin. 
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  • I would never use it because I may be allergic to it because of all the perfumes.  We use Publix brand free and clear and it works great. 

    Just a side note, you may want to try Tide free and clear, Tide is one of the harsher detergents out there...it's why it cleans so well but some of the additives can cause issues with sensitive skin..you're LO may have no issues with it but just wanted to mention it. 

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  • Huge waste of $$$
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  • I've always used free and clear detergents.  That way you can also wash baby clothes with your own clothes instead of having to separate them out so you don't waste the expensive "special" detergent.

    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • Not to dreft.    It's not better for their skin.   If you want something better for babies skin, use something that is free of harsh chemicals and perfumes.

    We use Nellie's Laundry Soda for all of our wash (we also cloth diaper).   It's only 9cents a load for regular washers so about half that cost for HE (which we have).    We get it at costco in massive bulk (1,100 loads for $99....lol).

    Anything free and clear would be better than dreft.   Also, you could always just do a double rinse on baby clothes to wash away any detergent residue....

  • imageLovingBaz:

    I would never use it because I may be allergic to it because of all the perfumes.  We use Publix brand free and clear and it works great. 

    Just a side note, you may want to try Tide free and clear, Tide is one of the harsher detergents out there...it's why it cleans so well but some of the additives can cause issues with sensitive skin..you're LO may have no issues with it but just wanted to mention it. 

    Ditto this. Both my mom and I get a rash from Tide, so I'm going to keep using what I have been: All Free and Clear.

  • We are going to use some kind of free and clear detergent. Mainly bc I don't really wanna do seperate loads of our clothes and LO clothes, esp when I go back to work. I hate spending alot of money on laundry detergent now and usually buy the cheap stuff or whatever is on sale dreft is way too expensive for my tastes.
  • I use to use Dreft along time ago with my first son (now 17)  but that was b4 all the alternative soaps.  Plus my mom didn't think anything was better than Dreft or Ivory for babies. 

    I have been using an all natural product for over 4 years and I'm just going to stay with that.  I will still was babies clothes separate though. Thats just me. I was everybody's  separate from my son - husband and then mine.  I guess I'm weird like that.   I've never washed my son's clothes with mine.

  • imageiris427:
    I've always used free and clear detergents.  That way you can also wash baby clothes with your own clothes instead of having to separate them out so you don't waste the expensive "special" detergent.

    This. We use Seventh Generation Free and Clear, and will be washing baby's clothes in that as well, since we have a huge thing of it and it's super gentle. My DH and I both have sensitive skin (he has eczema), and this was the detergent his dermatologist recommended.

  • We already use a free and clear detergent because my husband has sensitive skin and I have a sensitive nose, so we'll just stick with that.  I hate the smell of Dreft. 
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  • I'm using Tide Free and Clear.  When one of my friends had her daughter a few years ago, she tried Dreft and her daughter developed an awful rash from all the perfumes and additives.  
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  • We don't use Dreft. We've used one bottle of it since it was given as a gift, but other than that we usually use All Free Clear.

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  • I did use it in the beginning with DD#1.  However, a few months after she was born I found the Target Up & Up brand and have used it ever since.
    Allie ~ 01/26/09 ~ 7 lbs, 9 oz ~ 20.75 in. & Amelia ~ 03/16/11 ~ 8 lbs, 1 oz ~ 21 in.

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  • imageAshfieldMay:
    Dreft has lots of perfume, so right there is a reason not to use it. DS has very sensitive skin and All Free and Clear is all I've ever used on his clothes, it's always worked great and never caused a reaction.

    My relatives and friends who already have LO's said they just use free and clear detergents and it's already what I use for DH's f'd up skin so that's what I plan on using. My pedi and OB recommended free and clear detergents also. 

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