I feel silly, but I had planned to go to 35 weeks working and then taking my holidays and then going on mat leave. But now with the kidney stones and pain and infection that I have I feel so sick and can barely do anything around the house with out being in pain and I can't be on percocet all day long while I work. Part of me hopes my dr makes me take medical leave since I can hardly imagine being on my feet 8 hours a day (I work retail) 40 hours a week for the next 4 weeks, but I am counting on paychecks since my dh doesn't go back to work until mid January.
Sorry just venting and getting my worries out. I will do whatever is best for my baby's health and my own and worry about the rest later.
Re: Worried about working now... (vent)
I know you said you work retail, but is there a department or area you could work temporarily that would keep you off your feet and less stressed?
Also, you may want to look into collecting short term disability before you start your mat leave if you have to leave sooner than expected. Some employers offer this if you have to leave work (for bed rest, etc) earlier than the normal 6-8 week maternity leave.
I'm hoping that I can stay quietly in the back / sitting doing stuff but it's a small stoer so harder . I plan on calling my head office/ hr lady on monday to talk about opitions if it comes to me having to leave. I'm not sure how that works here in Canada though since we go on mat leave for a year but it's paid by ei not the work. But we will see, right now I just want to lay down and cry the pain hurts and the percocet hasn't kicked in yet. I don't want to go back to the hospital tonight if I don't have to.
At my work, you have to have signed up for STD (short term disability) with all of the other insurances, it's not just something you can opt for when you want it I think. i hear you about the work thing though, I'm so done, I'm a nurse and work 13 hour shifts and it's really doing me in. And of course, I didn't sign up for STD and I haven't been there long enough for FMLA.