3rd Trimester

Helping baby drop?

I was told once baby dropped the  extra pressure on the cervix can help labor to onset sooner.  I'm thinking this is a Old Wives Tale.  What do you think and if it is true, what can I do to help baby drop?

Re: Helping baby drop?

  • imagekdodge423:

    Put on a corset to force that little sucker down?


    Full term is 40 weeks for a reason.


    A baby is considered "Full Term" at 37 weeks. Just thought you should know. ;-)

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  • imagekdodge423:
    imageWhen we wished upon a star...:

    Put on a corset to force that little sucker down?


    Full term is 40 weeks for a reason.


    A baby is considered "Full Term" at 37 weeks. Just thought you should know. ;-)

    Babies CAN be full term at 37 weeks. Not all are- if they all were, they wouldn't use 40 weeks. Many born at 37 weeks still end up in the NICU for lung immaturity.


    Yup. There was a post recently from a mom who needed to induce for a medical need as soon as LO's lungs were ready and at 40 weeks baby still wasn't ready. Babies still do an amazing amount of maturing between 37 and 40 weeks and that maturing can make a huge difference in ease of feeding, etc.

    As for your question--I don't know that there is anything, but pelvic rocking and swimming are great for optimal positioning anytime in pregnancy.

  • This is correct - it is all part of the natural hormonal feedback loop of childbirth.  The pressure of the baby on the cervix encourages the increased production and release of hormones that specifically dilate and efface the cervix.  This is one reason why posterior babies tend to be past due -- their head does not engage the pelvic cavity in a way that creates this hormonal feedback loop.

    The baby will begin to descend when it is ready, but there are things you can do to decrease impediments to the process. 

    1) Receiving chiropractic care all throughout pregnancy helps to keep the pelvic cavity open and aligned properly so that baby can move into the best position and descend.  It's less effective if you just go now, but still can help and can also help to decrease labor pain (for the same reason).

    2) Walking - naturally opens the pelvic cavity up and encourages baby to descend

    3) There is an acupuncture pressure point along the top of the trapezius that encourages baby to descend - this is why this point is forbidden to needle in early pregnancy.  It has a very strong downward movement for the body.  It must be stimulated directly and straight down - giving a good shoulder massage is not enough to properly stimulate this.

    4) Various positioning encourages baby to turn anterior or posterior.  You can research this yourself - but you want to be sitting, standing, etc. in positions that encourage posterior positioning as this will help baby to descend properly onto the cervix. 

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  • imageWhen we wished upon a star...:

    Put on a corset to force that little sucker down?


    Full term is 40 weeks for a reason.


    A baby is considered "Full Term" at 37 weeks. Just thought you should know. ;-)

    Really? I thought "term" was 37 weeks..."Full term" being 40...honestly...they should just tell you that in some point over the next 10 months, you're having a baby.

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  • MY Doctor Said 37 -40 weeks is term...I had Steriods a few weeks ago so lung development isnt an issue...but I was told walking and sex are the two best things to prepare your body..
  • Sitting on a yoga ball and moving your butt around in large circles on the ball can open your hips. My girl's already dropped and she's so low I have shooting pains down my buttocks and thighs when her skull mashes against my pubic bone or the back of my hips. Ugh. And I walk REALLY slow now because she's so low it's like I have a bowling ball between my legs. I was a little embarrassed at Legoland today.
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  • From every book I've ever read on pregnancy, 40 weeks is the AVERAGE length of a pregnancy...meaning for every mom who has a 38 week (natural) pregnancy, is a mom who goes 42 weeks. 38-42 weeks is considered normal length. I've seen less specifics on full term, I think b/c while most babies might be fully developed at 37 weeks, there will always be some who are not. People get way too stuck on numbers when it's always going to vary with each and every pregnancy.

     I've never heard of anything to help a baby drop but if you are uncomfortable or having trouble breathing b/c the kid is up in your rib cage, I've read that getting on all fours can help relieve the discomfort - gravity helps pull the baby away from the lungs. 

  • imageMandieLyn30:
    MY Doctor Said 37 -40 weeks is term...I had Steriods a few weeks ago so lung development isnt an issue...but I was told walking and sex are the two best things to prepare your body..

    the steroids are only effective, according to my dr, for a up to a week after they have been given.

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