I broke the filling out of my front tooth today by accident, ouch. My OB said it should be fine to get a filling now. Anyone out there had a filling in 3rd tri, and experienced any issues? Not that I'm expecting any but as a redhead I typically need more anesthia/novacaine to get numb and am wondering if being pregnant will affect how my body processes the anesthesia.
Re: dental fillings in 3rd tri
I need a root canal asap and my OB said it was fine to have that done now, I am scheduled to have it done first thing Monday morning provided I am not having the baby at that time.
When you go to the dentist make sure you have a clearance letter from ob for the novocaine, the office I work with normally requests it. They just did a cleaning for me the other day and I have a cavity but they are waiting until after LO is born before starting it. Since you already had a filling there it shouldn't be as bad.