3rd Trimester

amniotic fluid leaking ?

How would one know if they were leaking amniotic fluid? I know that an increase in vaginal secretion is normal so how would you tell the difference in normal vaginal fluids and amniotic fluid?
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Re: amniotic fluid leaking ?

  • If you soak a pad in an hour, you should go in...the only real way to check is to go to L&D.
    "Seriously, mommy forum people are some crazy ass bitches." New Year New You
  • Your doctor can also do a cervical swab and test to see. Happened to me and it wasn't fluid.
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  • imageJ+MS:
    If you soak a pad in an hour, you should go in...the only real way to check is to go to L&D.

    This, I actually soaked two pairs of underwear and they had me go in. Turns out it was just vaginal discharge and pee (yeah, awesome), but my OB assures me it was important to check it out.

  • What does it smell like?
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  • imageAshleygoo:
    What does it smell like?

    Very mild and almost sweet, like weak bleach.

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  • imageambrandau2:

    This, I actually soaked two pairs of underwear and they had me go in. Turns out it was just vaginal discharge and pee (yeah, awesome), but my OB assures me it was important to check it out.

     Same thing exactly here happened to me.  Ended up being I had a UTI, but when I called my doctor, they rushed me to the Maternity Triage Unit at the hospital to make sure.

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  • imageteshy1:

    What does it smell like?

    Very mild and almost sweet, like weak bleach.

    I might be totally wrong, but I thought sweet could be a sign of amniotic fluid?

    I would call your doctor.

    ETA: Oops, sorry, I thought this was the OP responding.

  • Thanks for posting this.  I have been seeing an increase in discharge lately and wondered the same thing.  It's not nearly to the extent that you're talking about, though, so I think it's probably normal and I'm just being jumpy.
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  • Thanks! I have been at my parents and they keep it warmer in their house at night than I do right now and I have woke up noticing panties being moist but not so much during the day. I know its not enough fluid to soak a pad in a few hours, at least not during the day. If I do notice that it seems to pick up during the day time or even anymore at night, I will be sure to call the OB.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) i fear" -E.E. Cummings (In Memory of Baby Beluga 3-21-10)
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