3rd Trimester

Weight Gain ?

Pre-pregnancy I weighed 126#. I was working full-time and in school at night and between everything, I had no time for exercise and it was about 10# more than I usually weighed. 1st tri, thanks to m/s, I went down to 110#. I'm now up to 134 (at last OB appt). So...what amount would you say I have gained? 8# or 24#? I'm sure my OB would say something if she was concerned, but sometimes I kinda feel like I haven't gained enough. I'm eating healthy, but I want to be sure LO is getting all she needs. WDYT?

Re: Weight Gain ?

  • I would just go from what you weighed when you found out you were pregnant and what you are weighing now. If your doctor is not concerned, then I wouldn't be either!
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  • As long as you're eating healthy and enough and your OB isn't concerned, then I wouldn't worry about it.
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  • I think that most ob's count off your original weight in from your first pregnancy apt. But I could be wrong, thats just what my office does. I also lost weight in the 1st trimester and then gained that back plus only a little more and my ob hasnt said anything negative yet. If they thought it was an issue they would prob be running growth ultrasounds on LO to make sure (they did that for me at 22 weeks which he looked fine, and another scheduled at 36 weeks but mostly checking due to pregnancy induced hypertension which can cause smaller birth weights)
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  • OBs expect weight loss in the first trimester and judge weight gain by what you weighed at your first appointment. You have gained 8 pounds and you're doing fine. ;)
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  • I would say 8 lbs.

    I was previously 125, lost a little in 1st tri, then ended up at 155 so I said a 30 lb gain by the end.

    Now miraculously I'm down to116... almost 10 lbs underweight from my norm thanks to EBF. Not sure if I like it though. Kinda feels like I'm wastng away. lol

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