one baby is a terrible napper?
DD is a great sleeper. She is going from 7-7 at night without a peep. DS is a different story. His nights are getting better, but his naps are terrible. I put them both down for their nap at 8:30 AM. By 9:15 he is fussing and apparently done with his nap. But she is still out. I don't feel it's fair to make her get up, simply because he is up. But I want them on the same schedule, right? Any advice? Do I just leave him in the crib until naptime is over? He is not crying a lot...just yelling/fussing/half crying. The minute I walk in the room, he stops.
(They are in different rooms by the way. We moved him to the guest room when his reflux issues were keeping everyone up).
Re: How Can I Do "One Up, Both Up" When....
Mine are similar to yours. One of mine sleeps 11 hrs at night without a peep and the other wakes up and babbles and fusses 1x-2x per night for a few mins. and always wakes up earlier. For awhile I would wake Mia up after I got Keira changed, but I've learned to let he sleep the extra 30-45 mins.
As for naps Mia sometimes wakes up early and I let Keira sleep (as long as she doesn't go too much over their nap time and they remain on pretty much the same schedule). I am ALL for keeping them on schedule, but if one wakes early I let the other sleep because it's much easier to deal with one cranky baby rather than two!
We went through a similar thing. Audrey had reflux and was not a good napper, though I have to say the 45min nap seem to be a very common stage babies go through. She took 10-20min naps, and I was pretty happy with 45min when that did happen.
As far as keeping them on the same schedule when you've got one that sleeps much less time than the other, IDK! It sucked while it lasted. When I couldn't take it anymore and they were old enough I let Audrey CIO, but that was more like 5mos gest age (6 1/2 actual).
If DS typically takes 45min naps, maybe you can wake DD w/in 30min of his waking. That way he is on a similar schedule. He will be awake longer before the next nap, and you'll have to see if he gets over tired and it makes things worse.
Also, when you get to the last nap of the day you could let DD sleep as long as she wants w/in reason so that she can catch up on some daytime sleep. It's not ideal, but it helped a little with us. I hated waking Vivienne from naps.