I never venture over here, but I need advice from you CD mommas. I would really appreciate your help!
I have a very tubby but adorable little girl. I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but it seems like my Kawaii's, BGOS, and FB size Med. are not going to fit her through the weight/age limit. Am I not putting them on tight enough? Or is she just really chubby? Or once she starts moving she will thin out? Help! lol...
Also, what diapers are good for "bigger babies" or ones that I will be able to use until potty training? Thanks!
Re: CD for "big" babies?
How much does she weigh?
DS is 24lbs with the biggest thighs I've ever seen and his FBOS fit him nicely. We have BG 4.0 and he can fit on the medium setting but because his thighs are so big he's fully unsnapped. I like fitteds for this reason.
I'd suggest trying Softbums. LOVE them! My baby is not chubby, but it's a one size diaper and it adjusts on an elastic toggle system so you can make the leg holes and rise just the right size. You are not limited by snaps for sizing or anything like that. There are two versions, echo (the old one) and omni (the new one) The omni is supposed to be slighly larger and better for larger babies. They fit up to 35 pounds.