Thanks for posting in my page to coffee bean yesterday. I have a follow up question. When Brody is crying, where is Aiden? Are they still in the same room or did you put Aiden down somewhere else?
Also, when they wake in the middle of the night to feed, do you have to put them down awake then too or is it okay if they are asleep at that time?
The reason I ask is because we did our usual routine to put them down last night (So they were asleep when we put them down--we decided to wait until this weekend to try a new routine) but in the middle of the night after I fed S he was asleep but woke up when he burped. I left him awake and put him in his crib awake. He basically laid there and played (squealed, sqwaked and talked) for about 10 minutes then he started crying. This of course woke up E, who I fed and put back down asleep. DH and I tried to soothe S without feeding again, but after him being awake for well over an hour, we gave up I BF him and we put him back down asleep. Just wondering what we should have done in this situation.
CoffeeBean above is my update on how things are going. We are not going to adjust our night routine until this weekend, but now I am scared to death to do so after our middle of the night fun. How is it going for you guys, have you tried anything new yet?