A while back, I thanked some of you ladies for answering my sometimes-but-not-always-dumb questions while my SIL was going through the adoption process. Thought I'd update a little. Today is their one month Gotcha Day Anniversary! They arrived back in the States 4 weeks ago today, and here is a picture of him, happy and at home.
(I hope this picture works, I've never tried this...)
Charlotte Elizabeth - March 15, 2009
Natalie Kate - October 4, 2011
Blighted ovum, d&c at 9w, July 2012
Blighted ovum, d&c at 10w, September 2013
BFP May 28, EDD February 4, 2015
Re: Picture of my nephew
Hey May Day Girl! I love your blog! This is a super cute picture of you, you are so pretty!
I swear I'm not a stalker, despite how those last few sentences came out...
Natalie Kate - October 4, 2011
Blighted ovum, d&c at 9w, July 2012
Blighted ovum, d&c at 10w, September 2013
BFP May 28, EDD February 4, 2015
Thank you for sharing.
He is a complete doll!! Brought a big grin to my face!!!