I'm starting to look at high chairs for DD. I was going to use the wooden one that has been in our family for a bizillion years but I think I want to get one of the "new age" ones that are adjustable from highchair, toddler chair and can fit right up to the table. What do you have? Any great reccomendations? Raves?
Re: Rec. your high chair
But...babies & toddlers LOVE to bang on their tray with plates, cups, utensils. I thought he might dent/scratch the table. Plus, I think it's often easier for them when their just learning to have a bunch of food directly on their tray versus having to use a plate on the table (which is really easy to just throw the whole meal on the floor!)
I found one that has a nice look, with wood accents and subtle colors, but still reclines, has a dishwasher safe tray, and has the safety bump thing on the seat instead of the tray (safer). The Fisher-Price Zen Highchair. Ordered from Albee Baby.
It's height adjustable, so I imagine we could use it at our table like the Stokke someday.