Babies: 9 - 12 Months

?s about co-sleeping?

i do not want to start a pattern of co-sleeping but i have some questions. i would like to sometimes put ds in the bed (like when he is constipated or teething and hurting and just wants to be held). he is 6 months and has never slept in our bed.
1- one concern is that my DH sleeps like a wild animal. i kid you not...he is dangerous. i constantly get an elbow in the head, he ends up with his head on my pillow and legs on his side, etc. i do not feel comfortable putting DS in the bed with him although ppl have told me that if DS was in the bed DH wouldn't sleep like that. I just don't think I want to take that risk, would you?
2- How do you keep DC from falling out of the bed? maybe that is a dumb ? but DS is sooo active and sleeps like his dad in the crib( we put him down head to foot on his back and he ends up side to side on his belly!), I cannot imagine him not rollling right off. Is it dumb to think that?
3- If I did put him in the guest room bed with me on a very rare occasion could that start a bad pattern?

i'm clueless about this so sorry if they are silly ?s. TIA :)
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Re: ?s about co-sleeping?

  • I would not do it.  We started the pattern of letting her sleep in our bed...we all like it but then she was getting bad and only wanted to sleep w me, so off to her crib she went. 

    I am so glad to have my bed back.
  • Not sure if this counts or not but DD and I co-sleep in our guest room for naps.  And she'll sleep another 1.5hrs on the weekend mornings if we do this after she wakes in her crib.  I have never had a problem or bad pattern resulting from this.  I love the extra snuggle time : )
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  • 1) DH is a wild sleeper too, so when DD was little I kept her on the edge of the bed between me and the co-sleeper. Other mamas I know have bed rails or slide the bed up against the wall. 2) She has her cosleeper next to the bed, so if she "falls," it's from the bed into there... about 2 inches. She does climb out of the cosleeper and into bed with me. I have a big pillow at the end of the bed to prevent her from going off that way. I wake up if she's crawling around. Again, they have tons of different types of rails for co-sleeping. 3) That all depends on how you view co-sleeping. For us, we've done it since day 1 and will continue until she's no longer night-nursing. I think there are several links to info on co-sleeping and safety on
  • 1. When we co-sleep, DD sleeps beside me, away from DH.  I never put her in between the two of us.

    2.  We have a bed rail so DD is between me and the rail.

    3. We co-slept with DD exclusively in the beginning.  Then she moved to her crib 90% of the time.  I still bring her to bed with us occasionally.  We have no problems transitioning her back and forth at all.
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  • 1 - Put the baby between you and the edge of the bed so DH can't hurt him.

    2 - We have our mattress on the floor.  They have bed rails and bed pillows that you can buy specifically for cosleeping.  Be careful with the rails, however, in that DS can't get trapped between the rail and mattress (I have read some are like this).

    3 - I don't think so.  I don't believe there is any bad in cosleeping.  We do it fulltime and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

  • 1. At first she would usually sleep by the edge but as she got older and he got use to having her in bed then she'd sleep in the middle and she's been there since. My DH says it's like he subconsciously knows she's there if that helps.

    2. She sleeps in the middle and if I have to nurse her on the other side then I put my arm over her until she's done and then move her back to the middle or if I'm really tired I put a pillow there.

    3. I don't think co-sleeping is a bad sleep pattern. We've been co-sleeping since day one and she sleeps in a crib at the sitters and occasionaly her naps at home and has no problem going back and forth.

    I second checking out Dr. Sears! And HTH. :)
    Married 09*02*06
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  • Don't start it if you don't want to continue it...  I had good intentions of having dd sleep in a bassinet next to our bed...  When I had to have a c-section that all went out the window and now she's still in our bed...  Don't get me wrong I love cosleeping now and wouldn't do it any other way... It's just easier on me now because I'm bf, but I do miss having just my dh in there too.  I sleep w/ dd in the crook of my arm.  My sleeping habits changed once dd started sleeping w/ us.  I used to be a really heavy sleeper, but now I wake up everytime she moves.  (which is something else to consider, you will probably get less sleep)  They make sleeper things that you put in your bed so that you don't roll over on her... however, dd refused to sleep in it.  good luck!
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