Is it even possible for DC to sleep too much at this age? DS is sleeping 11-12 hours at night and then napping 2 times during the day for 2-3 hours each time. Today he napped for 4 hours for the morning nap and now is back asleep again! He really is only up for 2 hours or so at a time before he starts to get really crabby and is ready to lay back down again. He has been like that for the last few weeks and its kind of concerning me. Like maybe there is something wrong thats making him so tired. He also just started STTN a few weeks ago so maybe Im not used to all this good sleep? Would you be concerned or is this a normal amount of sleep? TIA!
Re: Too much sleep possible?
probably a growth spurt. Enjoy it while it lasts : )
My DS has been sleeping 12 hours per night since he was 4 mos old and he still takes 2 naps per day, usually about an hour each, but at times he sleeps more and I usualy chalk it up to growth spurt or his body fighting something.