Babies: 9 - 12 Months


haha your funny!! I give DD juice too, i wasnt going to say anything about you brushing her teeth, lol.

Re: LM~~~

  • hahah I know you were thinking it though!!!!!

    She was doing really good at letting me brush them at first and now she hates it.  I got the training toothpaste too.  I now wipe her teeth with a clean cloth too for something extra after we struggle with the brushing.

  • very good!! Now your going to make people think I'm the toothbrushing nazi ; ) How you been feeling? Addie said she misses Abby!
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  • I've been feeling great! I've been sucking as much help as I can get out of A with stuff around the house for one b/c he's been doing so much traveling/fun stuff and 2--i've been laying it on him that he needs to help me more with carrying laundry and stuff so my back doesn't start hurting like it did last pg. 

    You still going to movies on tuesday?  I miss that it was fun.  I bet A is so different from the last time we saw her.  I know there is no way abby would sit through a movie now :(

    We should meet up for lunch sometime or at the mall and walk around or something.

  •  i'm glad A's helping you more!! Hopefully you don't have to go through the back pain again like last time.

    We still go to the movies, not every week anymore though. Theyve been playing movies I havent been too interested in so we go maybe 2-3 times a month now.

    Addie has changed a lot, she sits on her own and very good at it too! She has been eating foods like a champ too, she even stole some of my food a couple of weeks ago, it was funny and I was in complete shock!! She talks all the time. We're taking her camping next weekend for my moms campground trick or treating I cant wait to see her in her coustume!! Has Abby started crawling or standing?

    Yeah we should meet up some time you still got my number right? If so give me a call and we can make plans whenever.

  • Yeah your number is in my phone.  It would be nice to see you both again....

    Oh boy has abby been crawling and standing.  She started crawling right around 6 months and pulling to standing by 6.5.  She is into everything.  OH and climbing the stairs is her new favorite thing.  She'll climb up 2 steps, stop and wait for one of us to come get her then she laughs!  little stinker.

    Oh and just now she pushe her little tykes plactic rocking horse type thing over to the coffe table and used that to help her get up on TOP of the coffee table.  She gets upthere and looks at me like come get me i'm doing something i shouldn't!!

    She's is seriously a monkey and a machine.  She doesn't stop moving until she's sleeping.

    Addies is sitting?!?! she seemed so little last time I saw her.  They grow SO fast don't they?!!

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