Babies: 9 - 12 Months

how much harder are 2 kids than one?!

I realllllly want to have another one, but DH thinks it would be way too hard and wants to wait about 2 1/2 years.  (plus I'll be in school for 2 years) but I worked while preggo with #1, how much harder is it having 2 kids?!  Be honest!
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Re: how much harder are 2 kids than one?!

  • I don't think it's that hard at all. But of course, I have 5 years in between my kiddos and DS can pretty much do everything for himself so that makes it a heck of a lot easier! I love the age difference. Sorry I'm not much help ;)
  • I babysit a 15 month old everday and it is alot of work! My days FLY by and I don't get much done around my house. But DD who is 6 months doesn't really nap and the little boy I babysit naps pretty good. I am glad to see him go when his mom picks him up because I am always so tired, he is into everything and DD wants to be held alot so I am multi-tasking. I do think it is different when it is your own children though.
    Personally, we will be waiting until DD is at least 2 before we start trying. Plus if you were to add school on top of 2 kids I really think you would be exhausted.
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  • I have been babysitting a 3 and a half year old for 4 months now and she is an amazing help! Its perfect actually..but we dont want to wait that long before we have our second...

    I took on an 11 month old and found that to be insane with Mileigh and the 3 and a half year old.. but Mileigh is 8 months old so there is only 2 months difference there... Im hoping if we have our second born around when Mileigh is 2 it will be alot easier..

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers image
  • Well, there's a 9 year gap between DD and DS so DD helps out with DS and DD#2.  When DD#1 is at her dad's for the weekend?  I'm not going to lie, there are moments when I want to hide from my kids.  Problem is, they'd find me.....
    DD#1~8/17/96------DS~10/24/05 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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