We have been having trouble with DD drinking milk. She goes to my Mom's during the day and she gives her ice water (with ice cubes) in her tupperware tumble cup and she also gives her 3/4 water-1/4 juice with icecubes. I try to give DD milk cold but she just won't do it. So I have been warming it. So tonight I thought...hmmmm....if Mom gives everything with ice cubes maybe that is what she wants with her milk. So I did it and that silly child drank two cups of milk at dinner! :-) Guess Mommy figured out the secret ;-) ::::Paige says about time Mom!::::
Re: DD is a weirdo!
awesome! great if that gets her drinking the milky milk. Luckily, Dakota loves her milk!
what is this tupperware tumble cup you speak of? I have tried all sippies and hate them all.
Oh don't get me wrong I am THRILLED! Course she is weird and may not do it in the morning. She is like that...one minute she likes it the next she doesn't. Anyway, I would much rather add ice than warm it :-) So I am happy with this new found truth!
They are from tupperware. They are a cup with a lid. I think they are much better considering you are teaching them to use a cup. Then when they are older you just take the lid off and they are already used to the cup. No "retraining" from a sippy to a cup :-) The only down side - they are not spill proof. So we do milk in the highchair and then leave it with water in the living room. So if it spills in their...no biggie :-) Paige did not know how to tip a cup and this she uses like a PRO! :-) Here is a link.