Babies: 9 - 12 Months

POLL: Work vs. SAH

1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.?
2. What do you enjoy about it?
3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging?
4. If you could do things differently, would you?
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Re: POLL: Work vs. SAH

  • 1. I am SAH
    2. I enjoy being able to have the time to stay caught up with housework and being able to cook a dinner nightly
    3. The most challenging thing is not having adult interaction during the day

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  • 1. Right now I work full time.
    2. I enjoy getting out of the house and interacting with my coworkers.  I also like feeling like I'm contributing income.
    3. I find week nights really hard and tiring.  I wish I got to spend more time with DD.  After she goes to bed, I just want to relax but instead have to do dishes, wash pump parts, etc. Things feel pretty chaotic!
    4. I'm not sure...I am fortunate to have the option to be a SAHM in a couple of months, but I'm conflicted about what to do.  I always thought I'd have a career, but I want to spend more time with DD while she is still a baby.
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  • 1.  I work full time, but get to SAH in the summer and holidays - I teach!

    2.  I enjoy helping my students learn and grow both academically and socially.  Some people cringe when I tell them I teach 6th grade math and science, but I love working with 11-12 year olds.

    3.  I do not enjoy the amount of planning and paperwork I do on a daily basis that my job requires.

    4.  Teaching is my second career (used to be in public accounting), so I've been on the other side of the business world.  I would not go back in a second!

  • 1. part time
    2. getting a "break" every few days
    3. having to do so many things such being a parent, being a working woman, being a wife. Sometimes its just too much for one person to do!
    4. I wouldnt work, hire a part time nanny and get some "me" time. Of course we cant afford anything close to that! :P
  • 1. WAH
    2. I love being a part of my son's life all day, but still being active in the field I've been part of since I was 16.
    3. Very hard to do telephone interviews and maintain that oh-so-important professionalism while there's a crying baby in the background. And he's fascinated by my computer, which is tough.
    4. I love our house, but we bought it before Joseph was in the picture at all, and before we had FIL living with us, and selling in our housing market in Central PA is pretty impossible. A larger house would give me a defined workspace, which would be helpful. Also, some kind of daycare would be beneficial to me, and long run, probably to Joseph, too, since he is VERY clingy with me and I may be taking a FT job at my paper soon. That's going to be hard on him.
  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.?  Full time, but I WAH on Mondays.

    2. What do you enjoy about it?  The paycheck.

    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging?  Since being back, I have a really hard time getting motivated.  I really wish I could be a SAHM, but it's just not in the cards for us. 

    4. If you could do things differently, would you?  As in stay home?  Yes.  At least until he was 3 or so.  Then, I'd put him in some sort of daycare for the social interaction w/ other kids.  I put my daughter in daycare at 2.5 (my mom watched her up until that point) and I thought it was a great age to make the switch.
  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.? full time
    2. What do you enjoy about it? that i can dress nice, put on make-up and look half way decent is motivating and helps me feel good.  adult interaction is nice and challenging myself to learn is cool.
    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging? getting up early in the morning, leaving ds in the morning, the feeling of being rused to get out the door, ever having to wake ds up ( i like for him to sleep).
    4. If you could do things differently, would you? yes and no, i would love to work part time but cannot afford part time pay and benefits.  but i love that ds has other adult and children interaction daily.

  • 1.) I SAH with DD during the day, and then I work about 10 hrs a week (if at all) at a local bridal salon.

    2.) I love being home with DD. I enjoy the freedom of doing what I want, when I want.

    3.) Nothing really

    4.) No, I only wish that I could SAH forever. I am currently going back to school, so I will be working when the next DC comes.
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  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.? I work Mon-Thurs (2 of those days 7hrs 2 of those days 8 hrs)
    2. What do you enjoy about it? I actually enjoy going to work.  I think I appreciate DD and DH for that matter a lot more when I get home...because I miss them so much through out the day.  Plus DD is with Grandma :-)
    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging? I find it heartbreaking that DD spends more time with her Grandparents than with me and DH.
    4. If you could do things differently, would you? NO
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  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.? FT SAHM 2. What do you enjoy about it? Being able to be involved in all of the kids activities. 3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging? Challenging is not getting a break - ever!!! Dh travels nearly every week so its just me and the kids those days. 4. If you could do things differently, would you? Nothing - My life is perfect.
  • 1. I WAH full-time but honestly work very, very part-time.

    2. I took this job solely because it was so little work and allowed me to WAH. I enjoy that about it.

    3. It's a step back in my career and I'm tired of editing. But, it works for what I really want/need.

    4. At this point, no. It's the perfect job for my situation right now.

  • 1. work full-time

    2.  I work with 2 yr olds!  I love them!

    3.  I hate pumping :(

    4.  I would love to SAH, but it is just not possible right now.

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  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.?  WAH full time, DS goes to daycare.
    2. What do you enjoy about it?  Not being responsible for all the household duties.  My job is also flexible, I have great co-workers, and growth opportunities.
    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging?  My job is great, I have no complaints.
    4. If you could do things differently, would you?  I would love to make more money so DH could stay home full time!  Or if he earned enough to allow me to stay home AND have a housekeeper, I'd be up for it. :)
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  • 1. full time
    2. the pay is about it right now
    3. trying to keep up with all the house work and most importatly missing time with my son.
    4.I would love to stay at home now if I could.
  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.?  I SAH and watch a one year old girl along with DD.
    2. What do you enjoy about it?  LOVE being able to be home with baby, love love love being with her all the time, love not having to work!
    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging?  Wish DH appreciated what I am doing, wish we had more money :), and in an ideal world I wish I didnt' have to watch the other girl.
    4. If you could do things differently, would you?  I would for sure SAH, but I wouldn't have to nanny the other little girl. 
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  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.? Stay at home 2. What do you enjoy about it? Everything about it. Having my OWN schedule with my child and not someone else's. 3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging? Only thing that I have found challenging is time of when he is teething, everything else is good. 4. If you could do things differently, would you? Nothin, I really cannot think of anything I would want different. I love the way my life is leading for me and my family.
  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.?
    2. What do you enjoy about it?
    Watching my son grow/learn, getting to be so involved in his life.
    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging?
    Sometimes hard to keep busy... boredom.
    4. If you could do things differently, would you?
    Not at all.  I don't miss work for a second.
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  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.?
    ~ SAH

    2. What do you enjoy about it?
    ~ The fact that I'm raising my DD

    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging?
    ~ It's a challenge to have less money coming in

    4. If you could do things differently, would you?
    ~ No, it's too important to DH and I that I be with Maia
  • 1.  SAH, but will be part-time once I start tutoring...also do some photography here and there
    2.  I LOVE being able to be home with DS and spend so much time with him.  It breaks my heart to imagine working full-time and leaving him at a daycare center. 
    3.  I miss the adult interaction at work and having responsibilities (I was a teacher).  It's not that I don't have responsibilities now - they're just not acknowledged/respected in the same way.
    4.  No, I wouldn't change a thing, assuming I'll be tutoring some kids soon.  I'd like to contribute money to our family and I think it'll be good for me and DS to have short breaks from each other.
  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.?
    Full time

    2. What do you enjoy about it?
    The paycheck, the mental challenges, learning new stuff, being good at what I do, have time alone in the car, having a break in the middle of the day to eat lunch or run errands alone

    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging?
    The company politics, how my boss gives me all the_shit he doesn't want to do

    4. If you could do things differently, would you?
    Nah...I enjoy it and make good money (as long as the economy stays healthy).
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  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.?  Well, I'm a SAHM, but I do the paperwork for our two businesses.  It's not a big time sucker for me though, so it's usually all about the kids!
    2. What do you enjoy about it?  Flexibility.  I never know when my mom will call to have lunch (with the kids) or if my sister wants to take our kids to the park.  Most days I can do whatever we want:)
    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging?  I have very little help from my IL's who live 1/2 a mile away.  I wouldn't mind that so much if they didn't keep DH so damn busy....
    4. If you could do things differently, would you?  Nope.  Well, back when MIL and SIL started being weird I probably would've told them their strange requests and dragging me into their drama was not going to fly;)  I have my own life to deal with!
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  • 1. FT
    2. Adult interaction and working with the kids, get home at a decent hour and of course the time off (grant coordinator at school district).
    3. Paycheck, I hate leaving DD and I get bored a lot at work.
    4. I wouldn't mind working PT and I'm going back to school in the Summer to get my teaching.
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  • 1. SAH 2. Everything, well most everything. I love that I don't miss any of DDs firsts, that I know how she is being cared for and raised, etc. 3. I have my moments when I need a "mommy break." Oh, and I definitely miss having my own income and not being put on shopping watch by DH. But I still wouldn't trade it for the world. 4. Absolutely not.
  • 1. I work part time (18 hours a week) and am at home the rest of the time.
    2. I wish I could stay at home, but I do enjoy the social interaction at work and seeing so many familiar faces.
    3. On days I work it's hard to get up, feed DS, get ready for work, and then as soon as I get home from work feed DS, bath and then worry about dinners.  I wish that part was easier, especially since most of my time with DS is rushed those days.
    4. I would be a SAHM, after DC number 2 I will be, so it's only a matter of time.
  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.? I'm a SAH
    2. What do you enjoy about it? I LOVE being with DD, being the one to see al her firsts, having time to make good dinners
    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging? if she's having a tough day, it's a LONG day and DH works late
    4. If you could do things differently, would you? Nope, I think in any job there are days where the grass looks greener on the other side but ultimately I feel so fortunate to be able to stay home with DD.
  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.?
    I SAH

    2. What do you enjoy about it?
    Not missing out on anything

    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging?
    Never getting a break - I don't even get to pee by myself anymore.

    4. If you could do things differently, would you?
    Not in 1 million years.  I've thought about getting a job, we'd be more comfortable and have some extra spending money, but the thought of leaving him everyday almost makes me cry.
  • 1) I'm the option you never gave: a WAHM

    2) I love that I still make money, work w/other adults, and keep my mental skills sharp BUT I still never miss time w/my son.  I get his afternap smiles, feeding him his morning fruit and reading him his afternoon book.  I would hate to miss any of that.

    3) I feel like I can't give Harmon my undivided attention.  I also don't have a lot of extra time for myself doing hobbies I like b/c when I'm not working I am with my family.  Work is tough b/c baby comes first!  This means me often juggling conference calls w/diaper changes and most nights (like tonight after a date night) I am finishing work.  I normally don't go to bed till 12 or 1 working M-F.

    4) NO!  We need the money and I really need the mental challenge (I was between jobs for like a couple of weeks in Vegas and again for my first two weeks here and I felt like I just needed more of a challenge).  At the same time I love love love being at home w/my son.  I would just miss him to pieces!!!!  I'm not anti-daycare, I just WANT to be the one there for him not missing those milestones and smiles.  It is hard but I really feel I have the best of both worlds (even though I whine a lot).
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.? I am a SAHM and a full time student.
    2. What do you enjoy about it?  I feel like I have the best of both worlds.  While my son spends ample time with me, he still spends valuable time at daycare interacting with others.
    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging?  I really don't feel I can complain...
    4. If you could do things differently, would you?  Not at the moment.  I feel getting my teaching degree will finally close a chapter in my life that has been lingering for a while.  It will benefit me and the future for my family should I choose/have to return to work.
  • 1.  I work full time
    2.  I really do like what I do.  I enjoy the people that I work with.  I love what my company does and the fact that I'm, in some small way, contributing to prolonged life and increased health for others.
    3.  Honestly, there are just those days.  The political crap that can sometimes occur.  The fact that I miss my family.
    4.  Yes!  If we could afford it I would stay home in a heartbeat!
  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.? I'm a SAHM.
    2. What do you enjoy about it?  EVERYTHING!  I love watching my son grow and being able to tell my husband every silly thing he does all day.  I love being able to cook breakfast and dinner daily for my husband.  I love being able to keep our house clean during the day.  Most importantly, I love that I'm the one who is with our son 24/7.
    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging?  I used to have trouble with time management, but I've really remedied that.  Some days I feel a little anti-social, but I just call another SAHM friend and we go on a walk! 
    4. If you could do things differently, would you?  Absolutely not.  We may not be the wealthiest family in the world, but we are happy.  I always knew I wanted to SAH but I never knew how much I'd truly enjoy it.
  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.? part-time
    2. What do you enjoy about it? i love getting out of the house....seeing different people and using my college degree (that i worked so hard to get!)
    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging? i do miss ds so much when i am at work.  my co-workers always comment on the "shrine" of pictures i have on my desk!
    4. If you could do things differently, would you? i would love to be a SAHM, or maybe work like 3 half days/wk.  that would be pretty cool!

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  • 1. Full time.
    2. I work for a university and enjoy helping students.  There were several faculty and staff members that made a huge difference in my education and if I can do the same for just one student, I feel its worth it.
    3. Coworkers who shift blame.  Lazy or slack coworkers.  Long hours.
    4. Nope.
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  • 1. Do you work full time, part time, SAH, etc.? - SAH   

    2. What do you enjoy about it? - being able to take care of my family, being there for the cute stuff, plus dh's schedule is  so weird that we can do things as a family at strange times

    3. What do you not enjoy or find challenging? - ben is still such a fussy baby i am as worn out as i was when he was a newborn, more so b/c he weighs so much more!  its hard not having that "pat on the back" for doing a good job, ben certainly doenst, dh rarely does, and strangers in the mall dont comment "what a good mom" like they say about dh when he has ben. 

    4. If you could do things differently, would you? - no, i would just have not moved 6 hours away from my family so i could have a little help, its very overwhelming in a totally new place w/ no friends or family and the textbook definition of a "high needs baby"
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