Snarky and T-TTC


::hoping Dr L will show up::

I took up knitting (again) about a week ago. I tried when I was a teenager, and never got past the knit/purl. And then took it up again in my early 30's and again, never got past the knit/purl.

I think I'm doing good this time - I have learned knit, purl, cast off, decrease stitches, increase stitches (or at least I *think* I learned this). I am now attempting ribbing and also need to learn how to change yarn colors in a project. The book I got also shows you how to do a cable pattern - but I'm not sure I'm quite ready for that. My husband really wants me to knit him a hat, but I think my first real project will be a scarf.


Re: Knitting

  • Present!

    I'm so proud of you!

    Ribbing is easy. Pretty much just knitting and purling in a pattern to get the ribs. And once you start cabling you'll wonder why you held off for so long. It's super easy, yet it looks SO difficult.


  • Yay! Another one on the knitting train. I started knitting last year, and I just can't stop now. I was afraid of cabling at first, because it looks hard, but it's just so much easier than it looks.

    Youtube is an amazing resource to learn almost any stitch or technique, I've learned pretty much everything I know so far from there.

    If you want free patterns, you should sign up to too, they have tons of stuff on there for every knitting stage.

    Happy knitting!

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  • I used to be able to knit things that were straight.  Pretty sure my parents still have a bag with a couple half finished scarves in it....

    Make sure you post your projects when your done!  I love to admire other peoples creativeness :)

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  • :::impressed:::

    I started about 6 years ago.   Didn't get far, and stopped.   

    I still want to learn.    Maybe Dip can reteach me in the future

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  • Okay - knitting question! How long before I need to start paying attention? I was hoping I could do this mindlessly as H and I watched TV. However, the further I progress, I am getting the impression this is going to take some concentration.

    So, how much do you need to concentrate while knitting?

    OH and another question - do any of you crochet as well? If so, which do you like better and why?

  • I never learned to crochet, but love knitting. I think I could mindlessly do scarves after a month or so, but not anything more complicated than that. I need to keep track of rows, and I can't veg out and do that at the same time. Post pictures when you're done!

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  • imageSerendipitie:

    Okay - knitting question! How long before I need to start paying attention? I was hoping I could do this mindlessly as H and I watched TV. However, the further I progress, I am getting the impression this is going to take some concentration.

    Depends on the project. There's a knitting author who has a blog, and she noted that she has the projects she can do in line, on the bus, in front of the TV, and others she has to sit quietly and work on.

    So, how much do you need to concentrate while knitting?

    My goal is to be able to knit without looking, but I'm not there yet. For me it depends on the project. I have one with complicated lace patterns that I need a quiet house for.

    OH and another question - do any of you crochet as well? If so, which do you like better and why?

    I do (but you probably knew that ;) I can't say I like one better than the other. Knitted pieces look more finished/professional, and take less yarn. Crocheted pieces are faster to finish, and are great for fun things like stuffed animals and toys. I like to switch back and forth between the 2.

  • Thanks Dr L! I might have to pick up "Teach Yourself Crochet" too LOL
  • I wish I could learm. What book you using?
    2.5 yrs TTC #1 - DX = Stage IV Endo, Lap performed Jan 2010
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  • imageLTF525:
    I wish I could learm. What book you using?
    Some kit I picked up in Michaels - I think it was called "Teach Yourself Knitting" Ot had the book, a couple pairs of needles, and some other accouterments that I am still not sure how to use
  • I tried both knitting and crochet, and I suck at both. I'm kind of inspired to bust out my looms now though. I never did finish a single project I started, despite spending oodles on yarn and tools.
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  • imageSerendipitie:
    I wish I could learm. What book you using?
    Some kit I picked up in Michaels - I think it was called "Teach Yourself Knitting" Ot had the book, a couple pairs of needles, and some other accouterments that I am still not sure how to use

    I got that for Christmas a few years back! the round rings are stitch markers, and I think there's a thing that looks like a thread bobbin that's supposed to be a stitch counter.

    Check out as well. It's a great site and has extremely helpful videos.

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