Indiana Babies

"Santa" gifts

If we've already talked about this, I'm sorry!

Where do your LO get Santa gifts?  Growing up they were always only at our house.  One set of grandparents had stockings, but it was just known that those stockings were from grandma.

We had Christmas down at Jason's parents this weekend and already we're going to have issues on things like that.  I won't budge on the actual gifts (Santa gifts are only at our house), but am trying to figure out what I think about the stockings.  Obviously Luke had no idea next year, but we're trying to come up with a plan for the future.

Just wanted to see what others did! 

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Re: "Santa" gifts

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    Santa comes to our house only.  Gifts at other people's houses are from them.  We are having both sets of grandparents at our house on Christmas day and Emma will wait until everyone is here to open her presents (my parents will be here on Thursday and his will be here early on Saturday).  She will have presents from everyone and from Santa all at the same time.
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    I was thinking about this last night myself after having Christmas early with my father yesterday and on almost all of Clark's gifts it said either from Santa, Frosty, or Rudolph.  Obviously, that's fine this year but when Clark gets older how are we going to explain this - just say Santa knew we were celebrating early or late (having Christmas with my mom on New Year's Day this year but not so sure she'll write from Santa on any of the gifts) ?  I might just ask the grandparents not to write from Santa but they can use any other "Christmas characters - Mrs. Claus, Frosty, Rudolph, etc."
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    We always got them at home growing up, but sometimes Santa had to come early (24th) if we were going out of town.  We didn't mind that at all ;)

    We would like to have Santa come to our house only.  There may be years where we do it at my in-laws, but, since Ryan is an only we are hoping they will be willing to come here for Christmases in the future and spend it with my family and us. (They don't spend time with Ryan's uncles.)

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    Our situation is kind of different.  As long as we live here, we have to travel to get to our families' homes for the holidays.  Santa will make several appearances for our family -- one at our home, one at my parents home and one at my IL's.  Well, I guess I can't speak for the IL's but he definitely will show up at my parents.  My sister has always celebrated there and Santa just has always  made an appearance.
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    DH and I both decided that Santa will just be coming to our house. That includes the presents from him and the stockings.

    We were only out of town last year and Gracie didn't know the difference, so we didn't have to worry about that.

    ~Micah and Danae 6-17-06~
    ~GRACIE JEAN 7-5-08~

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    Since my dad is Jewish, we always had Christmas at my grandparents where the tree was. Santa came there to give us our gifts. :-) The kids will only have gifts from "Santa" at our house. IL's does stockings, but they say it's from them. Plus Jordan knows Santa would never stick an orange in a stocking. LOL!
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    I want Santa gifts to only be at our house, and stockings too. 

    FIL and SMIL put Santa on some gifts last year.  It bugged me.  Then yesterday my mom mentioned how hard it is to find stocking stuffers for Isabella's age range.  That bugs me too.

    I feel like they had their chance to play Santa with their own kids, and this is our turn.  I never got Santa gifts or stockings from my grandparents.  It really bugs me, but I don't know how to approach it.

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      Then yesterday my mom mentioned how hard it is to find stocking stuffers for Isabella's age range.  That bugs me too.

    I feel like they had their chance to play Santa with their own kids, and this is our turn.  I never got Santa gifts or stockings from my grandparents.  It really bugs me, but I don't know how to approach it.

    MIL does this too, I was glad when she told me she couldn't find Gracie's stocking anywhere. Hopefully she doesn't find it. I really don't think Gracie will know the difference this year. If she says something next year about putting a stocking up for Gracie, I'm gonna talk to her about not confusing Gracie and that she only gets gifts from Santa at our house. 

    And like you said. I never got gifts from Santa or had a stocking at my grandparents growing up. 

    ~Micah and Danae 6-17-06~
    ~GRACIE JEAN 7-5-08~

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    Santa only comes to our house.  We didn't really have any issue with it last year.  My MIL gets everyone stockings but doesn't say they are from Santa or anything.

    When I was growing up, we had three Christmases basically.  My grandparents always did stockings for all the grandkids along with gifts.  My grandma still does it for her 3 great grandkids now.  Then we had one Christmas at my dad's where Santa came and one Christmas at my mom's where Santa came.

    Santa did things differently at different house but I was clueless.  I definitely don't want anyone else to do Santa except for us.

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    When we finally have kids Santa will only be at our house. Step-MIL currently does Santa for her grandsons, and I don't know how we are going to approach that. But I am adamant, that the only gifts from Santa will be at our house.
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