North Dakota Babies

At what point do I worry?

Alexa has had the flu bad since Friday - like vomiting 20+ times a day. She seemed to be much better yesterday, but then threw up again last night/this morning and diarrhea throughout the weekend. Any who, she hasn't had a wet diaper since Friday and she normally pees on the potty 2-3 times a day but doesn't have any thing to go. I already had a scheduled  vacation day today for my own appts, so I am home with her, is this something I should just wait another day on and keep pumping her with pedialite? She does seem to be better, just no wet daipers yet and I don't want to be the bad mom that doesn't take her to the Dr for everything.
~Kimberly & Eric~ April 21, 2008 ~Tensing Pen ~ Negril, Jamaica ~ My Blog: One Sunset at a Time

Re: At what point do I worry?

  • I would definitely call the doctor and give them the low down.  I think since it's been going on for 4 days now they will probably want to take a look at her.  Plus if she hasn't had a wet diaper then she might be dehydrated.
  • Does her doc have an advice line you can call and see what they recommend?  I would probably take K to the doctor if she hadn't peed in 3 days.

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  • I would call. I hope she feels better soon!
  • Well its been since 12am Friday night, so this would be day 3, I had called but they said since the vomiting slowed down and she is still drinking that there is nothing they can do at this point so it was up to me if I wanted to bring her in. 

    ~Kimberly & Eric~ April 21, 2008 ~Tensing Pen ~ Negril, Jamaica ~ My Blog: One Sunset at a Time
  • imagelindeenwedding:

    Well its been since 12am Friday night, so this would be day 3, I had called but they said since the vomiting slowed down and she is still drinking that there is nothing they can do at this point so it was up to me if I wanted to bring her in. 

    Poor thing :( Hope she feels better soon! We were all sick over the weekend, just glad we're feeling better in time for Christmas.

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker ashley jordan est. 06.07.08 | siesta key, fl
  • I would absolutely take her in Kim. Three days with no wet diapers??? That's a long time!! Poor baby!!! Sending lots of hugs over to her :-( when in doubt, why not call the doc and ask? EDIT: didnt see your post that you called. I'd still take her in
  • I would still take her in, I hope she feels better soon, poor Alexa!

    K+S 9.18.9 | DD #1 age 2 | PG # 5 EDD 9.17.12

  • Ok so I should have labeled this "If the Dr isn't worried, should I be..." I had called before I wrote this and basically was told it just needs to run its course, as I had thought. They can't do anything for her, as she is getting better. I guess I was just looking to vent, and not actually looking for advice here. 
    ~Kimberly & Eric~ April 21, 2008 ~Tensing Pen ~ Negril, Jamaica ~ My Blog: One Sunset at a Time
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