I recently moved back to Columbus after having DS. I had a cs and really want a VBAC (as natural as possible) with hypothetical DC #2. I went to Professionals for Women's Health (the Dublin branch) on the advice of some ladies on the Eco-Friendly Family board for my yearly exam.
I was wondering if any of you have any experience with them and their real stance on VBAC. The doctor seemed great about it, but I know some say that and then don't have a great success rate. It sounds like the CNM would be doing the delivery unless there was a complication, even for VBAC. They deliver at Dublin Methodist Hospital.
I wouldn't be opposed to switching or driving farther to another hospital, so if you have any alternate suggestions I'd love to hear them!
Also, hi! I'm obviously new to this board...didn't really realize it was here until someone sent me to it!
Re: Professionals for Womens' Health in Dublin - natural/VBAC?
Sorry, I can't answer your specific question about VBAC but I can tell you about PWF. PWF is where I had been going for the past 7 years for yearly visits. After becoming pregnant, I have no interest in ever seeing them again. Dr. Kelly is at the Dublin office, not sure which other doctors are, but he was very nice when I had seen him in the past and did not see him once I found out I was pregnant (wish I would have), the doctor's that serve at primarily Jason Way location were not as nice and made you feel like I was in a factory (that was just my experience).
My current doctor said that he would deliver at Dublin, but mentioned they are not fully staffed yet, since they are so new and suggested I stick to Riverside. So that is what I am doing.
Like the PP, I can't speak to any specifics. I will say that I just transferred to them for my GYN appointments on the advice of two coworkers who love them.
Whatever you do, stay away from Columbus OB-GYN. Talk about a baby-factory. I had a CP in 2009. Had a big, bold, dark pink positive HPT, then a couple of BPNs. I called to explain what was happening and request an appointment to find out what was wrong, and they set me up with their "OB coordinator" without asking any questions. Long story short, I had to turn to the Internet to get a clue as to what was going on with my body, after being told by the OB coordinator that I must have misread the HPT. She looked at me like I was some poor, pittiable woman trying to make a baby out of thin air. Anyway, it was a huge, humiliating waste of my time, and when I brought up my experience at my next annual appointment, my doctor looked at me like I had three heads. A little understanding, some bedside manner, and good questions-asking would have saved time, embarassment.
Sorry for the rant. I really hope you find a good doctor here in C-bus. GL!