North Dakota Babies


Red wine + looooong day + wrapping presents = Fail. Major Fail.

I knew I should have gone for the white :(

how do I explain to my snatch face SIL the stains on Barbie's convertible Car box, w/o looking like a total lush?

the worst part... I only had like one sip of the glass. Boo.


K+S 9.18.9 | DD #1 age 2 | PG # 5 EDD 9.17.12

Re: Warning

  • Krissie, you crack me up. Barbie was just having  wine social, doesn't bitchy SIL know that wine is the new tea??
  • Lol at both of you. Do you have a cat you can blame it on? Wink. And I am totally stealing that "wine is the new tea" line.
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  • imagelibertadw:
    Krissie, you crack me up. Barbie was just having  wine social, doesn't bitchy SIL know that wine is the new tea??

    bwahahahahaha!  OMG Krissie, I can't believe you were drinking and wrapping.  You were obviously totally intoxicated.  

    I think we need an intervention on this board. 

  • I drank wine and decorated my tree last Saturday after Caroline went to bed.  Fortunately for me, I didn't have any mishaps, but I will keep this in mind for my wrapping session this weekend.  Lucky for me, I'm a Pinot Grigio drinker so my mistakes won't be so obvious. 

    Just let E tear into that present before b*tchy SIL even sees it!

  • I think you bought it with the stains already on it, didn't you?
    married 7.3.08 - mc 8.10 - dd 6.4.11 cp 10.13 - bfp 11.13 edd 7.22.13 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • imageWendells:

    Krissie, you crack me up. Barbie was just having  wine social, doesn't bitchy SIL know that wine is the new tea??

    bwahahahahaha!  OMG Krissie, I can't believe you were drinking and wrapping.  You were obviously totally intoxicated.  

    I think we need an intervention on this board. 

    Def.  I personally follow the rule, if I have had any wine, even just one glass of wine, I don't do anything.  Not even the dishes.  I think everyone should follow suit. 

  • imageAshleysred:

    Def.  I personally follow the rule, if I have had any wine, even just one glass of wine, I don't do anything.  Not even the dishes.  I think everyone should follow suit. 

    The only time that I have to drink wine or get anything done in the house is Friday & Saturday nights after I put Caroline to bed.  Hence I can't follow this rule.  Many tasks are completed in my house with a buzz :)


  • imageAshleysred:

    Krissie, you crack me up. Barbie was just having  wine social, doesn't bitchy SIL know that wine is the new tea??

    bwahahahahaha!  OMG Krissie, I can't believe you were drinking and wrapping.  You were obviously totally intoxicated.  

    I think we need an intervention on this board. 

    Def.  I personally follow the rule, if I have had any wine, even just one glass of wine, I don't do anything.  Not even the dishes.  I think everyone should follow suit. 

    OMFG!  hahahahahahaha!  I just spit out my wine. 

  • imageWendells:

    Krissie, you crack me up. Barbie was just having  wine social, doesn't bitchy SIL know that wine is the new tea??

    bwahahahahaha!  OMG Krissie, I can't believe you were drinking and wrapping.  You were obviously totally intoxicated.  

    I think we need an intervention on this board. 

    Def.  I personally follow the rule, if I have had any wine, even just one glass of wine, I don't do anything.  Not even the dishes.  I think everyone should follow suit. 

    OMFG!  hahahahahahaha!  I just spit out my wine. 

    Wendy, this is really your fault. I think your drinking is so out of control, that it's per pressuring me to drink.


    K+S 9.18.9 | DD #1 age 2 | PG # 5 EDD 9.17.12

  • imageMissMex:

    Krissie, you crack me up. Barbie was just having  wine social, doesn't bitchy SIL know that wine is the new tea??

    bwahahahahaha!  OMG Krissie, I can't believe you were drinking and wrapping.  You were obviously totally intoxicated.  

    I think we need an intervention on this board. 

    Def.  I personally follow the rule, if I have had any wine, even just one glass of wine, I don't do anything.  Not even the dishes.  I think everyone should follow suit. 

    OMFG!  hahahahahahaha!  I just spit out my wine. 

    Wendy, this is really your fault. I think your drinking is so out of control, that it's per pressuring me to drink.

    You girls are killing me!  Thanks for making me laugh today...I really need it! 

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  • LOL @ snatch face!  Drink up, Krissie! 
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