I just finished my Christmas shopping and was walking back into our townhouse complex from the car. There was a group of teenage boys standing there on there phones texting and talking about their plans for the night. Of course they were standing in the middle of the sidewalk in the way. Some looked at me, smiled at my belly and moved to the side but minded their own business. Ohhh, but there was this one boy at the end of the group that turned around to be face to face with my belly as he had just finished tying his shoe. Which imediatly his reply, as he starred at my belly, was "Whoa... God damn!" with huge eyes like he was surprised.
I was going to just ignore it because he's a teenage boy and really doesn't know. BUT then he said aloud like 2 seconds later. to his friends "Did you see how big that lady's belly was? I mean DAMN!!!"
That very second I stopped in my tracks turned around and walk (or waddled) up to him and warned him...
"You best be careful what you say or do around a pregnant lady... You say something to the wrong pregnant lady and she may just chop you up into little pieces." I started to turn around to walk inside but I thought I'd wrap it up with, "OH, and if you don't want to deal with this (as I shook my belly) you better always use protection!!!"
Feeling satisfied by the scared look on his face I turned to walk to our townhouse. My satisfaction only grew to hear his friends laughing at him and giving him crap.
It's official... they will always know me and the crazy pregnant lady.
Re: I'm officially the crazy pregnant lady...
EDD 1/31/13, MC May 17. EDD 3/31/13, MC July 26. I miss you so much already my angel loves
Its okay i am officially the crazy pregnant lady at my doctors office because the nurses couldnt figure out how far along i was for about 3 mths .. I had to remind them almost 20 times..
AND im walking around costco and Ive had a couple looks before at other places and i just smile so it make them know I see them. I wasnt in the best mood so of course it had to be a little old lady staring at me with disapproval.. even with my husband beside me. SO I say to her what are you looking at.. its not gonna jump out at you? and she quickly walked away.
You are not alone
Your not crazy, people are just rude nowadays! I just don't think people have common sense, or think before they speak anymore! I'm 37 weeks pregnant with my 4th baby and with each baby i got HUGE. It starts to really get to you though at the end of the pregnancy especially when everywhere you go people remind you of it. I walked into a store and actually had everyone waiting in the check out line turn and look at me and say " wow, she's huge, she must be having twins!" I tried to ignore it and just went about my business, but it hurts. Your big and you know your big so why is it necessary for complete strangers to remind you of it?!
BAHAHAHA this was so funny i posted it on my facebook so my friends could read it. its so amazing! you stay crazy! because i believe that you are an inspiration to the rest of pregos!