My daughter has a bunch of toys that she really wants for Christmas, but have you ever sort of helped them along with what they want?
For example, DD was laying her bear down on the couch this morning with a blanket on him because "he was sick" (but I didn't say anything). I almost said "bear looks like he needs his own bed" because we are getting DD a really nice doll bed for Xmas.
She does see toys she likes in the store and I have said "be sure to ask Santa" but she already wanted it (like she saw a furreal dog and begged me for it).
Re: Do you "suggest" what they want for Xmas?
Will Eva get the floor lamp?
Haha! Henry only wants spaghetti! I have no idea why!
DS is only getting a few things this year and I am pretty sure that he will love them (train table and tent for big things, small things like books and paint and cars). He is pretty easy going.
I love these two beautiful children!
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
That is so funny! very cute
DD doesn't have a say, and it bugs me when adults ask her what she wants for Christmas. I might feel differently in future years, but for now, she isn't want-y and is thrilled with whatever she receives, whether it's surprise stickers or new gloves or whatever. I expect her to love what we picked for Christmas and at what our family gets her.
I'm curious; is it fun for you that do lists to have them think of things together with you, or do they already want things and does it add pressure if you don't want them to have those things? Maybe I'm unfun, but I don't buy her and don't want her having electronic, light up, computerized, or character/branded stuff, which is why I don't really want her having a say. I choose things that I want her to have. Sounds totally dictatorial when I type it out, but I believe in the things we do buy her!
Make a pregnancy ticker
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