Does your baby even need powder with CDs? Is it even safe to use or will it mess up the diaper? All I have for right now are bumgenius diapers. Their website says not to use "additives" and lists vinegar, diaper rash cream, and baking soda (heart breaks over the no baking soda) but doesn't say anything about powder. I hadn't seen the answer to this question on any websites, but if you all answered this question in a forum already, I apologize and please send me to that post. I can't seem to get to the CD rules link on this board any more to see if it was answered there.
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Re: Do you use baby powder with CDs?
No. I didn't even use powder when I used disposables. Regular baby powder isn't even recommended anymore.
Oh, and you can delete but you have to wait 10 minutes.
Well, after reading these answers, I guess most people don't use it. My SIL used it with both her kids (youngest is 13 months). I got 4 or 5 bottles of it at my baby shower (I didn't ask for it) so I guess someone uses it. *shrug* Shoot, with the exception of last year, it hardly ever snows where I live. Maybe I can use all those bottles to give my lawn a nice "white Christmas" look.
Edit: I got 4 or 5 bottles of cornstarch baby powder at my shower. Don't know if that makes a difference or not.
Haha this made me giggle. Seriously though, most people don't use it. We have one bottle in our house and its just for DH's shoes. Can you bring it back to the place you registered at and tell them you got too many and exchange it for some baby wash or something?
Cornstarch is ok. It is the regular that causes problems.
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.