Pregnant after IF


I sent you a message back but I hope you're just resting and drinking water.  I hope the contractions ease up so you can get some rest.... my OB's rule is not to worry unless they are 5 minutes apart. 

Re: Niki

  • off to check messages! 

    I was able to stop them with water. And then I let myself get dehydrated again today and had to sit in the mall with a freaking liter of water and drink it until they stopped.

    You'd think I'd learn to just DRINK water, but nooooo, I wait until I'm contracting to realize I'm thirsty. Oh well. I just get so focused on tasks, I'm like the human equivalent to a border collie. Next thing I know 6 hours has gone by and I haven't eaten or drank anything.

    Thanks for checking in on me! 

  • Glad you are better today. Gotta chug the water!!!!
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