So before I went off BCP I had started getting eczema on my faces (corners of my mouth) I had it for about 4 months and had not idea why. I've never had it before then. I noticed once coming off BC it almost instantly went away (within the first week.) Just wondering if that is some sort of s/e from BCp. anyone else have problems with eczema while on BCP?
Re: BCP and eczema?
Yes, mine improved when I stopped BCP, but it had nothing to do with the BCP. I stopped using my Rx for eczema the cycle before we started TTC. Around that time my eczema was so bad that I saw my derm and allergist to try to get some advice. I ended up doing patch testing (allergist thought my hand eczema was related to being allergic to my wedding ring- cute) and learned I'm probably ok with the nickel allergy, but I am allergic to an ingredient in my eczema ointment (lidex).
Eczema is such a tricky thing; stress, dairy and weather changes are my main triggers. Good luck with keeping clear!