Special Needs

Constraint Induced Movement Therapy

(Background-Ischemic Stroke, MCA--DS is now 8m 3w old, and is eating solids-since 5m 3w, and finger foods-since 7m)
He is still doing really well, but is really relying heavily on using his right hand while eating. I've been restraining his right hand during finger foods after every third try, so that he has to use his left hand. He resists in a major way, but eventually gives in, and is eventually successful after several tries. He's also having lots of difficulty holding a sippy cup. We're going to a feeding session with our Occupational Therapist today for the purpose of observation. I am wondering about your thoughts on   "constraint-induced movement therapy", as I've been reading some conflicting studies. I feel like I should just ask for a splint to be used during feeding times...as nothing else is working...He's starting daycare in Jan...and I really want to have as much as a jump on this as I can before then...Thanks lovely ladies :) 
I don't know if you noticed, but I'm kind of freaking here...

Re: Constraint Induced Movement Therapy

  • The OT department at the facility I work for offers CIMT and the OTs that head the program are also in the midst of a research study re: CIMT and kids with hemiplegia...I've had four of my speech patients go through the program and though its intensive (3 hours of therapy a day, 5 days/week for 4 weeks, I think) and can make scheduling other therapies (like :::cough::: speech therapy) and other things difficult while you're in the CIMT program, all four kids I know have definitely shown improvement.  All four continued to prefer their dominant hand, but had more willingness to use and more strength in their non dominant hand when asked to use it.

    If you haven't yet, see what your OTs thoughts are on it.  Good luck!

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