I am not sure if I was feeling the baby move, but I hope not, if it feels like what I just experienced! I have been having these bouts of sharp pains in my vaginal area ( SORRY TMI) maybe my cervix, and off the the sides down really low. They felt like thumps, but were kinda painful. Anyway, today I went to sit down and the pain kicked in so intensely I doubled over and had to stand up to make it stop. Is this just another awful symptom I'm getting or are kicks supposed to hurt?
Re: What in the world was that?
You won't feel "kicks" at 15 weeks with a 1st pregnancy. I didn't feel an actual kick until I was past 20 weeks with my 1st. And yes, later kicks will hurt, but I doubt that's what you felt.
I'm guessing you experienced RLP or some form of lightning crotch. Pleasant, eh??
My thoughts exactly.
OP - it can be painful, but usually it's short-lived.
Nobody said you can't feel movement that early. Movement and "kicks" are two very different things, at least to me.
Exactly. Meg, are you feeling KICKS this early? Because I'm going to say that's gas and not the baby.
I've been feeling flutters but only since about 3 days ago and this is my 2nd pregnancy. With my 1st pregnancy, I felt movement at 16 weeks, which was still considered very early.
i am very in touch with my body (as a yoga/pilates/dance backround)
I swear i felt my baby move this weekend. there is no other explaination for the weird "vibration/flutter" i felt in my pelvis. and the i felt it 3 more time...
DS Desmond Alexander 6.9.11
DD Vivienne Elena 12.16.13
? EDD 3/29/2018