so we finished our mapp classes on Tuesday night! WOOHOO! that's not what the ugh is about though...
...our county only has one licensing worker. We scheduled our homestudy appt. with her 3 weeks ago and we were SUPPOSED to meet monday afternoon...but she calls last night to say she has to reschedule (her daughter has to go to the dentist) UGH!
the only time she can meet now is next Wednesday morning, so NOW our paperwork won't be submitted until after the holiday and the state licensing office is taking around 55 days to return the paperwork (not including holiday time)...I was sooo anxious to begin as I've heard there are always lots of children needing foster care around the holidays.
it just sucks to be done with the classes, to be excited and ready to foster...but to end up stuck waiting to move forward
Re: ugh, waiting...
Unfortunately, that's pretty common, in that most counties have one worker or several counties SHARE a licensing worker.
Try to do something for yourself, a vacation, a home project, something to keep your mind off waiting.
hang in there, almost there!