July 2011 Moms

smoothie recipe

I personally hate smoothies (I know I'm weird) but apparently my Mom used to make her neighbor this when she was ku.  My sister sent me this recipe last night to try for my rolling stomach (too bad I'm not a fan).  Thought one of you may benefit.  :)

1 1/2 cups diced pears
1/2 cup low-fat peach yogurt
1/2 cup pear nector
1 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp grated fresh ginger
3-5 ice cubes

Also, FYI, you can buy small jars of minced ginger (similar to minced garlic) if you hunt around your grocery store in the produce area usually.  I already have some for cooking.  Meijer also seems to have some fresh minced/grated herbs in a tube, and ginger is often one of them.

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DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007


Re: smoothie recipe

  • There is a smoothie that I like to make that's kind of like the Vivanno smoothies at Starbucks.  It has 1 banana, frozen strawberries, chocolate syrup, whey protein, soy milk and ice.  I like to have one when I feel like I'm not getting enough protein and it's super yummy.  I could probably toss some ginger in that and would never taste it.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am not a big fan of smoothies either, and personally it doesn't sound too appetizing to me Stick out tongue

    Maybe someone here will use it and see if it helps. Thanks for sharing Smile

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  • I like smoothies, but never seem to have time for them! Thanks for sharing!
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