At what age/point can I start to use things like Jumperoo or Exersaucer? We didn't use either with DD #1 However, now I have twins and a toddler, and I just worry about them spending too much time in their bouncers. We do tummy time of course, and they have a play mat, but usually they scream during that. It's just chaos while I chase after my older child.
For those of you with an older child, what did you do with your little ones (around 2 months of age) when you had to tend to your other child? Bouncer? Floor? I have a Bjorn, but the babies aren't crazy about it. Maybe they need time to adjust to being "worn", I'm not sure.
Re: Twins and a Toddler question....
I started with exersaucers when they were strong enough to hold their heads up well for a longer stretch. For DD1, it was around 4 months; for the twins it was around 5 months.
The twins are either on the floor, in bouncers, or in swings while I'm helping DD1 with something. Sometimes I wear them in a Mei Tai, and our new Ergos just came yesterday.
my older DD was in the jumperoo around 3.5 mo, but she was off the charts big for her age, and I still needed a pillow under her feet. My 3.5 month old twins are tiny in comparison, and I haven't tried it yet.
the babies are usually on the floor on a playmat, screaming, while I'm busy with DD1. In the morning I can get them to chill out in their bouncy seats for a while, but the rest of the day they want to be held constantly.
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