July 2011 Moms

Thank You Ladies

To the ladies who suggested seabands to help with m/s...Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!  I had never heard of them before I came to this website so when I heard they worked for a few of you I thought "what the heck, I will give them a try" and they actually work.  I wished I would have known about them with my previous pregnancies.  Thanks again and I HIGHLY recommend them to the ladies who haven't tried them and are suffering m/s.

Re: Thank You Ladies

  • I just picked up a pair this morning after reading a suggestion on here too. They have so far helped me get through this work day (knock on wood!).


    Many thanks for the recommendation. 

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  • I looked yesterday for some, but couldn't find any.  If I can stop heaving long enough I plan to try a couple different pharmacies today. 

    Question about them, do you sleep with them on?  When I 1st wake up it is the worst, and I wonder if I would need to sleep with them on to have relief in the AM. 

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    Question about them, do you sleep with them on?  When I 1st wake up it is the worst, and I wonder if I would need to sleep with them on to have relief in the AM. 

    I read one lady did and it helped her sleep through the night better so it's your preference.  They are kind of annoying (tight and itchy) but maybe because they are new.  I'll take the annoyance though over the nausea :-) And I feel like I am living in the 80's, like they are sweat bands (so also thankful for long sleeve weather to hide them).

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